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Herbarium specimen: Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata

Taxon:Orchidaceae: Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata
Other name:Orchideae: Orchis latifolia L.
Filed in taxon folder:Orchidaceae: Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata
Collected by:Mr Patrick Martin Hall
Collection date:22/6/1932
Locality:Great Britain, Hampshire, Rudley Mill, SU6212, [at Hoegate, Newtown, NW of Fareham]
ex herb:Richard Barker Ullman
Institution:South London Botanical Institute (SLBI)
Image:Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnata herbarium specimen from Rudley Mill, Hampshire in 1932 by Mr Patrick Martin Hall.
collector's number:338
fruits/flowers:mature flowers
notes:Wide thick spur; rosey purple fls; erect sepals very distinct regular line markings on labellum with few spots; a few hairy spots on sepals; stem hollow; lower bracts purplish > fls; lower ls long wider pointed, heavily blotched. labellum praetermissa in shape.

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+Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnataGB, Hampshire, Rudley MillPatrick Martin Hall22/6/1932SLBI

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+Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnataGB, Hampshire, Rudley MillPatrick Martin Hall22/6/1932SLBI

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Documented by apbudden on 29th December 2011.

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