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Dr Henry Halcro Johnston (13/9/1856 - 18/10/1939)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Dr Henry Halcro Johnston
Results 1 to 40 of 354
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC111 Orkney, The Castle, Outertown, Stromness, Mainland, OrkneyHenry Halcro Johnston23/8/1924BM
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC109 Caithness, ThursoHenry Halcro JohnstonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hadden Beeby
+Ajuga pyramidalisGB, VC109 Caithness, Thurso riverHenry Halcro JohnstonCharles Bailey22/5/1884MANCH
+Ajuga pyramidalisGB, VC109 Caithness, Thurso riverHenry Halcro JohnstonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Elizabeth Anne Lomax
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC111 Orkney, Syra DaleHenry Halcro Johnston2/6/1921K
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC111 Orkney, Syra DaleHenry Halcro Johnston17/8/1883K
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC111 Orkney, Bay of FirthHenry Halcro Johnston2/6/1921K
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC111 Orkney, Bay of FirthHenry Halcro Johnston2/6/1921K
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC111 Orkney, Syra DaleHenry Halcro Johnston2/6/1921K
infoAlisma lanceolatumGB, VC21 Middlesex, StainesAlexander Craig ChristieHenry Halcro Johnston4/7/1878E
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC83 Midlothian, DuddingstonHenry Halcro Johnston7/1866E
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC87 West Perthshire, DouneAlexander Craig ChristieHenry Halcro Johnston10/8/1870E
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC90 Angus, Sands of BarryAlexander Craig-Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAlexander Craig ChristieAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoArctium minus subsp. pubensGB, VC111 Orkney, Links NessHenry Halcro JohnstonWilliam Hadden Beeby31/8/1883SLBI
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC111 Orkney, Hoy, Links NessHenry Halcro JohnstonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoArmeria maritimaGB, VC111 Orkney, Linga HolmHenry Halcro JohnstonHarold Stuart Thompson7/8/1934BIRM
infoAtriplex glabriusculaGB, VC111 Orkney, RousayMark MckayWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Job Edward Lousley
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoBaldellia ranunculoidesGB, VC73 Kirkcudbrightshire, LochruttonAlexander Craig ChristieHenry Halcro Johnston7/1868E
infoBaldellia ranunculoidesGB, VC84 West Lothian, WinchburghAlexander Craig ChristieHenry Halcro Johnston19/6/1867E
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC111 Orkney, Stronsay IslandHenry Halcro JohnstonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles27/6/1923SLBI
infoButomus umbellatusGB, VC83 Midlothian, Duddingston LochAlexander Craig-ChristieAlexander Craig-Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoCallitriche autumnalisGB, VC111 Orkney, HarrayHenry Halcro Johnston13/11/1883K
infoCallitriche autumnalisGB, VC111 Orkney, Mainland, Loch of AyreHenry Halcro Johnston25/8/1916K
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC111 Orkney, EdayHenry Halcro Johnston14/5/1921K
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC111 Orkney, Holm of HoutonHenry Halcro Johnston6/1933K
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC111 Orkney, Holm of HoutonHenry Halcro Johnston8/1933K
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC111 Orkney, Holm of HoutonHenry Halcro Johnston1/6/1933K
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC111 Orkney, RendallHenry Halcro Johnston16/6/1928K
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC111 Orkney, RousayHenry Halcro Johnston22/8/1921K
infoCallitriche stagnalisGB, VC111 Orkney, DeernessHenry Halcro Johnston11/5/1921K
infoCallitriche stagnalisGB, VC111 Orkney, MirkadyHenry Halcro Johnston17/9/1921K
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC83 Midlothian, Linhouse WaterAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC82 East Lothian, Seton LinksAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, Tents MuirAlexander Craig ChristieAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, Whiting BayAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC111 Orkney, BreckowallHenry Halcro JohnstonHenry Halcro Johnston21/8/1913E
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC111 Orkney, DeernessHenry Halcro Johnston21/6/1921E
infoCarex binervisGB, VC83 Midlothian, BalernoAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston
infoCarex binervisGB, VC84,VC86, River AvonAlexander Craig ChristieAlexander Craig Christie
Henry Halcro Johnston

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