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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 1 to 40 of 2659
infoAnchusa officinalisSHYB
infoArctium nemorosumSHYB
infoBidens cernuaEdwin Bernard BensonSHYB
infoBolboschoenus maritimusAlban Edward Lomax22/9/1890SHYB
infoBrachypodium sylvaticumSHYB
infoCarex arenariaSHYB
infoCaucalis anthriscusSHYB
infoCentaurea jaceaEdwin Bernard Benson1891SHYB
infoCerastium glomeratumJ W WSHYB
infoChrysanthemum segetum26/7/1892SHYB
infoDactylorhiza maculata6/1896SHYB
infoDeschampsia cespitosaSHYB
infoDeschampsia flexuosaSHYB
infoEleocharis palustrisSHYB
infoElytrigia repensSHYB
infoEpilobium parviflorum7/1891SHYB
infoEquisetum SHYB
infoErodium cicutarium var. chaerophyllumSHYB
infoFestuca elatior subsp. pratensisSHYB
infoFestuca ovinaSHYB
infoFestuca rottboellioidesSHYB
infoFestuca rubraSHYB
infoFoeniculum vulgareSHYB
infoFumaria muralis subsp. boraeiSHYB
infoGalium SHYB
infoGalium mollugoSHYB
infoGenista sagittalisSHYB
infoGeranium molleSHYB
infoGlyceria fluitansSHYB
infoGymnocarpium dryopterisSHYB
infoHieracium sciaphilumSHYB
infoHordeum murinumSHYB
infoHottonia palustrisSHYB
infoHymenophyllum wilsoniiSHYB
infoHypericum androsaemumWilliam Hunt PainterSHYB
infoInula heleniumSHYB
infoJuncus effususSHYB
infoJuncus squarrosusSHYB
infoKoeleria cristataSHYB
infoLepidium drabaSHYB

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.093s