
Herbaria@home is an online citizen science project. With the help of hundreds of volunteers, we digitise the information from the collections of wild plants held by museums and universities in the UK and beyond.

Herbarium collections contain a wealth of information about the historical distribution of wild plants. The herbarium@home project helps to unlock that data, so that it is freely available for research and to assist with conservation.

You can take part online, by transcribing detailed records from specimen labels into a simple form.

All our specimen records are immediately made available and searchable on the web site.

Information for volunteers

Current progress

166179 herbarium specimens have been documented so far.

We are currently concentrating efforts on herbarium sheets from the Natural History Museum, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, the South London Botanical Institute and the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.

We welcome new volunteers to document sheets. Please have a go and send feedback if you have any problems. 

    My sheets

    If you are already a member please log in.

    New Users:
    We welcome new volunteers! You can join here or if you want to try documenting straight away then please click here to be allocated a set, or choose from the lists below.

    This is the list of sheet photos which have currently been allocated to you to document or edit. If you have finished with these then please release them back into the pool.

      Edit sheets | Finished (release sheets)

      Sheets to document

      The allocation link above will pick a set of specimens automatically, alternatively you can choose to document sheets from a particular project or herbarium from the list below or search by genus for a particular set of sheets to work on.