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herbaria@home user: johned

joined: 23/11/2005
sheets: 10236 documented 636 reviewed 4 partially completed
7 examples of collectors' handwriting uploaded.

Herbarium sheet records partially documented by johned.

Results 1 to 4 of 10236
+Vicia sylvaticaAllan Octavian HumeSLBI27/11/2011
+Rubus marshalliiGB, VC22 Berkshire, Aldworth CommonEdward Gillett Gilbert21/8/1900SLBI23/4/2012
+Plantago lanceolataAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
+Tiedemannia filiformisUSFL, Gulf CountyS.W. LeonardFSU25/8/2015

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