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herbaria@home user: mikedaps

joined: 09/09/2009
sheets: 2481 documented 20 partially completed
207 examples of collectors' handwriting uploaded.

Herbarium sheet records partially documented by mikedaps.

Results 1 to 20 of 2481
+Epilobium parviflorumGB, VC37 Worcestershire, NorthfieldBirmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society
George Stephen West
+Cynosurus cristatusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Much MarcleAugustin Ley19/10/1866BIRM19/10/2009
+Apium repensGB, VC82 East Lothian, LuffnessMcTaggert CowanBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
McTaggert Cowan
+Colchicum autumnaleGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Garway HillAugustin LeyAugustin Ley24/4/1893BIRM21/10/2009
+Viola riviniana var. minorGB, VC36 Herefordshire, CradleyRichard Francis TowndrowAugustin Ley
Richard Francis Towndrow
+Parnassia palustrisGB, VC66 County Durham, Teesdale,WiddybankAugustin LeyAugustin Ley8/8/1878BIRM26/10/2009
+Parnassia palustrisGB, VC57 Derbyshire, DovedaleWilliam Henry PurchasAugustin Ley
William Henry Purchas
+Valerianella dentataGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Moreton MorrellRobert Large Baker6/1877BIRM9/11/2009
+Daphne mezereumAT, MayrhofenAugustin LeyAugustin Ley8/1865BIRM22/4/2010
+Daphne mezereumGB, VC39 Staffordshire, WettonAugustin LeyAugustin Ley9/4/1875BIRM22/4/2010
+Aconitum napellusGB, VC34 West GloucestershireWilliam Robert PriceWilliam Robert Price30/6/1907GLR27/9/2010
+Pulsatilla vulgarisGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, TringCharles Baylis GreenCharles Baylis Green7/5/1904SLBI23/1/2011
+Prunus aviumGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, Buckholt Wood9/7/1892GLR8/2/2011
+Goodyera repensDK, Zealand, TisvildeHans MortensenWilliam Hadden Beeby25/7/1878SLBI5/12/2011
+Lathyrus sylvestrisGB, VC7 North Wiltshire, PinkneyCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Henry Franklin Parsons
+Rubus lindleianusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, TwycrossAndrew BloxamWilliam Hadden BeebySLBI5/2/2012
+Rubus cardiophyllusGB, VC12 North Hampshire, Tadley HeathFrank Hatton Brightman7/1984SLBI18/2/2012
+Filago pyramidataGB, VC27 East Norfolk, FrettenhamCharles Edgar SalmonWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Allan Octavian Hume
Charles Edgar Salmon
+Filago pyramidataAllan Octavian HumeSLBI24/11/2012
...Xanthium strumariumAllan Octavian HumeSLBI24/11/2012

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