+ | Asimina longifolia var. spatulata | USFL, Leon County | Roomie Wilson | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 27/5/1963 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Lithospermum caroliniense | USFL, Santa Rosa County | Robert K Godfrey S.R. Harrison | Robert K Godfrey | 9/3/1957 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Melothria pendula | USFL, Collier County | Charles C. Deam | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 4/2/1949 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Clethra alnifolia | USFL, Taylor County | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | Robert K Godfrey | 22/7/1960 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Laguncularia racemosa | USFL | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | Robert Kral | 23/6/1957 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Ipomoea cairica | USFL, Leon County | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | Loran C Anderson | 8/8/1978 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Euphorbia discoidalis | USFL, Washington County, Chipley | Loran C Anderson | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 6/7/1990 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Momordica charantia | USFL, Miami-Dade County, Homestead | Robert K Godfrey | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 31/1/1959 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Lechea torreyi | USFL, Martin County, Jonathan Dickinson State Park | Loran C Anderson | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 13/6/1997 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Conocarpus erectus | USFL, Key Vacas | Eula Whitehouse | Herbarium of Southern Methodist University | 13/10/1950 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Bursera simaruba | USFL, Collier County, Marco Island | Olga Lakela | University of South Florida | 1/5/1965 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Helianthemum carolinianum | USFL, Clay County, Middleburg | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | Loran C Anderson | 17/3/2000 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Ipomoea violacea | USFL, Collier County, Naples | Loran C Anderson | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 17/8/1990 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Tithymalopsis gracilis | USFL, Tallahassee | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | C Jackson | 26/4/1952 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |
+ | Lechea minor | USFL, Franklin County, Whiskey George Creek | Loran C Anderson | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 25/9/1986 | FSU | 29/5/2015 |