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Herbarium sheet #129670

Specimen #375103

Taxon:Poaceae: Festuca arundinacea Schreb. ("Tall Fescue")
Filed in taxon folder:Poaceae: Festuca arundinacea Schreb. ("Tall Fescue")
Collected by:Mrs Olga Margaret Stewart
Collection date:16/6/1975
Locality:Great Britain, VC73 Kirkcudbrightshire, Kirkbean, NX9755, Gillfoot
Institution:Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K)
Accession number:K001063330
© Kew
Festuca arundinacea herbarium specimen from Kirkbean, VC73 Kirkcudbrightshire in 1975 by Mrs Olga Margaret Stewart.
collector's number:OS 183/75
fruits/flowers:mature flowers
notes:25/9755 [= NX9755 = Gillfoot]

Documented by siandef on 20th June 2014.

Checked by oldnick

Edit history

07/09/2014xmhcmanAdded note: 25/9755 [= NX9755 = Gillfoot]
07/09/2014xmhcmanAdded attribute collector's number: OS 183/75
13/10/2015oldnickDeleted locality: GB VC73 Kirkbean, Gillfoot
13/10/2015oldnickAdded locality: GB VC73 Kirkbean, Gillfoot NX9755 (place)

N.B. reporting of the edit history is currently fairly unclear and misleading. Most edits made to specimens appear as a pair of 'add' and 'delete' entries, which may not be together in the list. There are also often 'minor' edits, which are made automatically (rather than due to user activity), for example to merge synonym names.

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