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Herbarium specimen: Dryopteris cristata

Taxon:Dryopteridaceae: Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray ("Crested Buckler-fern")
Filed in taxon folder:Dryopteridaceae: Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray ("Crested Buckler-fern")
Collected by:Mrs Elizabeth Anne Lomax
Collection date:1871
Locality:Great Britain, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Malton, SE7871
ex herb:Dr Robert Large Baker
Institution:University of Birmingham (BIRM)
Image:Dryopteris cristata herbarium specimen from Malton, VC62 North-east Yorkshire in 1871 by Mrs Elizabeth Anne Lomax.

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Assimilated from an external database by BIRMherb.

Reviewed by David Price (wonastow)

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