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Herbarium specimen: Asplenium septentrionale

Taxon:Aspleniaceae: Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. ("Forked Spleenwort")
Filed in taxon folder:Aspleniaceae: Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. ("Forked Spleenwort")
Locality:Great Britain, VC5 South Somerset, Exmoor, SS74
ex herb:Charles Ottley Groom
Institution:Bolton Museum (BON)
Accession number:30-07-25635
Image:Asplenium septentrionale herbarium specimen from Exmoor, VC5 South Somerset.

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Other specimen entries from this sheet.
+Asplenium septentrionaleGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlanberisBON
+Asplenium septentrionaleGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Glyders1836BON
+Asplenium septentrionaleGB, VC83 Midlothian, Arthurs SeatBON
+Asplenium septentrionaleGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghBON
+Asplenium septentrionaleGB, VC70 Cumberland, Borrowdale, High CragBON

This sheet was documented by volunteers from the herbarium@home project.

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Documented by oldnick on 9th August 2010.

Checked by mossysal

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