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Herbarium specimen: Salix aurita x repens = S. x ambigua

Taxon:Salicaceae: Salix aurita x repens = S. x ambigua Ehrh.
Filed in taxon folder:Salicaceae: Salix aurita x repens = S. x ambigua Ehrh.
Collected by:Rev. Edward Shearburn Marshall
Collection date:19/7/1895
Locality:Ireland, VCH23 Westmeath, Loughstown, N548650, Scragh Bog, near', (altitude 79m)
Institution:Cambridge University (CGE)
Image:Salix aurita x repens = S. x ambigua herbarium specimen from Loughstown, VCH23 Westmeath in 1895 by Rev. Edward Shearburn Marshall.
fruits/flowers:no flowers

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+Salix aurita x repens = S. x ambiguaIE, VCH16 West Galway, MaamEdward Shearburn Marshall4/7/1895CGE

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