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Herbarium specimen: Lotus subbiflorus

Taxon:Fabaceae: Lotus subbiflorus Lag. ("Hairy Bird's-foot-trefoil")
Other name:Leguminosae: Lotus hispidus Desf.
Filed in taxon folder:Fabaceae: Lotus subbiflorus Lag. ("Hairy Bird's-foot-trefoil")
Collected by:Frère Louis Arsene (Institut des Freres de l'Instruction Chretienne)
Collection date:6/7/1925
Locality:Great Britain, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint Catherine's Bay
ex herb:Mr Isaac A Helsby
Institution:South London Botanical Institute (SLBI)
Image:Lotus subbiflorus herbarium specimen from Jersey, Saint Catherine's Bay, VC113 Channel Islands in 1925 by Frère Louis Arsene (Institut des Freres de l'Instruction Chretienne).
fruits/flowers:mature flowers

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Other specimen entries from this sheet.
+Lotus subbiflorusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, PolperroT F Foggitt20/8/1920SLBI

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Documented by johned on 28th November 2011.

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