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Herbarium specimen: Hieracium speluncarum

Taxon:Asteraceae: Hieracium speluncarum Arv.-Touv.
det. D J McCosh 2012
Other name:Asteraceae: Hieracium L.
Filed in taxon folder:Asteraceae: Hieracium L.
Collected by:Mr Harold Stuart Thompson
Collection date:6/7/1923
Locality:Great Britain, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Bristol,Clifton, Richmond Hill
ex herb:Mr Harold Stuart Thompson
exchanged:Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Institution:South London Botanical Institute (SLBI)
Image:Hieracium speluncarum herbarium specimen from Bristol,Clifton, Richmond Hill, VC34 West Gloucestershire in 1923 by Mr Harold Stuart Thompson.
Filing note:Hieracium sp.

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Documented by shaw30 on 24th December 2012.

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