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Herbarium specimen: Oxypolis ternata

Taxon:Oxypolis ternata (Nutt.) A. Heller
Collected by:Prof. Loran C Anderson
Collection date:24/11/2006
Locality:Florida (USA), Wakulla County, Saint Marks Nat'l Wildlife Refuge (Panacea Unit), (30° 2′ 11.04″ N 84° 29′ 42.72″ W), Frequent in drying loamy sand with Aristida, Ctenium, Andropogon and Sporobolus in small savanna in open longleaf pine S of Rd 407 and E of Hwy 319.
Institution:Florida State University (FSU)
Accession number:58241
Image:Oxypolis ternata herbarium specimen from Saint Marks Nat'l Wildlife Refuge (Panacea Unit), Wakulla County in 2006 by Prof. Loran C Anderson.
collector's number:22647

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Documented by johned on 22nd August 2015.

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