Taxon: | Lamiaceae: Lavandula angustifolia Mill. ("Garden Lavender") |
Filed in taxon folder: | Lamiaceae: Lavandula angustifolia Mill. ("Garden Lavender") |
Collected by: | Susyn Andrews |
Collection date: | 13/7/2001
Locality: | Cultivated Great Britain, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden, SY58, ex NZ & Aline Fairweather [nursery Beaulieu, VC11, OS SU387019]
Institution: | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K) |
Accession number: | K001189418 |
Image: © Kew |  |
collector's number: | 1760 |
fruits/flowers: | mature flowers |
notes: | 'Coconut Ice' 20x21 cm. Young plants green-grey foliage, older leaves grey-green. Habit upright, (illegible)-shaped growth. Peduncles strong, reasonably straight; dark green centres with paler margins. Spikes dense and quite long. Bracts tan with darker veins. Calyx woolly, purple tints above, sage green below. Corolla 75A fading to 75B then C/D. Coming into flower. Aroma mild. Purple tips to buds. more bright than 'Miss Katherine' |
Inferred details are marked.
Related specimens
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| taxon | locality | collectors | date | institution |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 13/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 13/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 13/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 13/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 13/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
+ | Lavandula angustifolia | GB, VC9 Dorset, The Scented Garden Cultivated | Susyn Andrews | | 12/7/2001 | K |
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Documented by squires on 5th December 2015.
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