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Rev. Augustin Ley (3/4/1842 - 23/4/1911)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev. Augustin Ley
Results 1 to 40 of 62
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC85 Fifeshire, BalmutoJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-SymeBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoArctium lappaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, HoningtonFrederick TownsendAugustin Ley
Frederick Townsend
infoCarex hostiana x lepidocarpa = C. x fulvaGB, VC111 Orkney, PiggarWilliam Irvine FortescueBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoGentianella germanicaGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Crowell HillGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoNajas gramineaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, AshtonCharles BaileyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
Arthur Bennett
infoMalva sylvestrisGB, VC39 Staffordshire, Hope, AlstonefieldAugustin Ley4/9/1883BIRM
infoBetula pendula x pubescens = B. x aurataGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoCallitriche autumnalisGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoCallitriche platycarpaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoCarex extensaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoCatabrosa aquaticaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoCirsium arvenseGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoEleocharis palustrisGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoGentianella campestrisGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoLittorella unifloraGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoPotamogeton alpinusGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoPotamogeton gramineus x perfoliatus = P. x nitensGB, VC102 South Ebudes, BridgendAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoPotamogeton gramineus x perfoliatus = P. x nitensGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoPotamogeton perfoliatusGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoRumex crispusGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoRuppia maritimaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoSagina nodosaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoSalix auritaAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoSchoenoplectus tabernaemontaniGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoSparganium angustifoliumGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin LeyAugustin Ley5/9/1883BIRM
infoBidens tripartitaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, Islay HouseAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin Ley6/9/1883BM
infoHypericum elodesGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoJuncus subnodulosusGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoPotamogeton polygonifoliusGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoRhynchospora albaGB, VC102 South Ebudes, IslayAugustin LeyAugustin Ley6/9/1883BIRM
infoAgrostis tenuisGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAugustin LeyAugustin Ley8/9/1883BIRM
infoAmmophila arenariaGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAugustin LeyAugustin Ley8/9/1883BIRM
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAugustin Ley8/9/1883BIRM
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAugustin Ley8/9/1883BIRM
infoEleocharis multicaulisGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAugustin Ley8/9/1883BIRM
infoJuncus maritimusGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickAugustin LeyAugustin Ley8/9/1883BIRM

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