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Search results, herbarium specimens from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 321 to 360 of 17201
+Barbarea vernaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Jackson HookerJohn Hutton Balfour1837PTH
+Leontodon saxatilisGB, SussexWilliam Jackson HookerJohn Hutton Balfour1837PTH
+Lepidium campestreGB, SussexChristie and Edward ForbesJohn Hutton Balfour7/1840PTH
+Ludwigia palustrisGB, SussexJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Phyteuma spicatumGB, SussexJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Verbascum nigrumGB, Sussex, ChichesterJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Drosera rotundifoliaGB, Sussex, Dunston CommonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Erica cinereaGB, Sussex, Dunston CommonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Rosa stylosaGB, Sussex, HenfieldChristie and Edward ForbesJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Cirsium acauleGB, Sussex, NewhavenJohn Hutton Balfour8/1833PTH
+Drosera intermediaGB, Sussex, Sutton CommonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Dipsacus pilosusGB, Sussex, WaldertonJohn Hutton Balfour8/1833PTH
+Anacamptis pyramidalisGB, VC15 East KentAnnie Baker7/1889PTH
+Aster tripoliumGB, VC15 East KentJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Crepis vesicaria subsp. taraxacifoliaGB, VC15 East KentJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Dianthus armeriaGB, VC15 East KentJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Diplotaxis muralisGB, VC15 East KentJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Herminium monorchisGB, VC15 East KentAnnie Baker1889PTH
+Lathyrus sylvestrisGB, VC15 East KentJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Neottia nidus-avisGB, VC15 East KentAnnie Baker1889PTH
+Ophrys apiferaGB, VC15 East KentAnnie Baker1889PTH
+Papaver hybridumGB, VC15 East KentW.H CampbellJohn Hutton Balfour7/1834PTH
+Phyteuma orbiculareGB, VC15 East KentJohn Hutton Balfour8/1833PTH
+Stellaria gramineaGB, VC15 East KentCharles Abbot StevensJohn Hutton Balfour7/1828PTH
+Helleborus foetidusGB, VC15 East Kent, Boxley HillsCharles Abbot StevensJohn Hutton Balfour5/1837PTH
+Frangula alnusGB, VC15 East Kent, CanterburyJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Rubus caesiusGB, VC15 East Kent, CanterburyJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Geranium rotundifoliumGB, VC15 East Kent, Charlton [Park]William ChristyJohn Hutton Balfour8/1834PTH
+Cirsium acauleGB, VC15 East Kent, Coombe WoodWilliam Jackson HookerJohn Hutton Balfour8/1838PTH
+Centaurea cyanusGB, VC15 East Kent, DealChristie and Edward ForbesJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Centaurium pulchellumGB, VC15 East Kent, DealNathaniel Bagshaw WardJohn Hutton Balfour
Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
+Glaucium flavumGB, VC15 East Kent, DealJohn Hutton Balfour1841PTH
+Dianthus caryophyllusGB, VC15 East Kent, Deal CastleJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Brassica oleracea subsp. oleraceaGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverElizabeth HarveyJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Daucus carotaGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverChristie and Edward ForbesJohn Hutton Balfour1836PTH
+Diplotaxis tenuifoliaGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverJohn Hutton Balfour1833PTH
+Hippocrepis comosaGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverWilliam ChristyJohn Hutton Balfour7/1835PTH
+Illecebrum verticillatumGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverJohn Hutton Balfour
W McIvor
+Papaver hybridumGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Picris hieracioidesGB, VC15 East Kent, DoverGeorge OgilvieJohn Hutton Balfour9/1841PTH

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.493s