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Search results, herbarium specimens from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 401 to 440 of 17201
+Sonchus palustrisGB, VC16 West Kent, Greenwich MarshesJohn Hutton Balfour8/1841PTH
+Alchemilla glaucescensGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Apium nodiflorumGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Carum carviGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Chrysanthemum segetumGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Crassula tillaeaGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Eryngium campestreGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Hippuris vulgarisGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Lepidium campestreGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Lepidium ruderaleGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Myrrhis odorataGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Oenanthe fistulosaGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Onobrychis viciifoliaGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Sanicula europaeaGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Senecio sylvaticusGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Sison amomumGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonWilliam Jackson HookerJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Smyrnium olusatrumGB, VC16 West Kent, LondonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Hieracium GB, VC16 West Kent, Mereworth WoodJohn Hutton Balfour26/7/1833PTH
+Seriphidium maritimumGB, VC16 West Kent, NorthfleetJohn Hutton Balfour23/9/1825PTH
+Trifolium squamosumGB, VC16 West Kent, NorthfleetJohn Hutton Balfour
W McIvor
+Ceratocapnos claviculataGB, VC16 West Kent, Plumstead CommonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Fumaria officinalisGB, VC16 West Kent, Plumstead CommonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Galium palustreGB, VC16 West Kent, Plumstead CommonJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Cardamine bulbiferaGB, VC16 West Kent, Royal Tunbridge WellsJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Gentiana pneumonantheGB, VC16 West Kent, Royal Tunbridge WellsS CornwallisJohn Hutton Balfour8/1841PTH
+Ulex minorGB, VC16 West Kent, Royal Tunbridge WellsJohn Hutton Balfour8/1833PTH
+Viola lacteaGB, VC16 West Kent, Royal Tunbridge WellsJohn Hutton Balfour
William Christy
+Sanicula europaeaGB, VC16 West Kent, TonbridgeJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Trifolium squamosumGB, VC16 West Kent, UpnorCharles Abbot StevensJohn Hutton Balfour6/1839PTH
+Lactuca salignaGB, VC16 West Kent, WoolwichThomas KirkJohn Hutton Balfour1862PTH
+Lithospermum arvenseGB, VC16 West Kent, WoolwichJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Medicago sativa subsp. falcataGB, VC16 West Kent, WoolwichJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Teesdalia nudicaulisGB, VC16 West Kent, WRoth, AlbrechtamJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Kickxia elatineGB, Kent, BexleyJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Carlina vulgarisGB, Kent, HerneJohn Hutton Balfour28/8/1835PTH
+Orobanche minorGB, Kent, KingsdownJohn Hutton Balfour
Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
+Trifolium subterraneumGB, Kent, ShoreWilliam ChristyJohn Hutton Balfour5/1836PTH
+Orobanche caryophyllaceaGB, Kent, St Margaret'sJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Peucedanum officinaleGB, Kent, Waysbay ?!J MaJohn Hutton BalfourPTH
+Myosotis laxaGB, Kent, West FarleighChristie and Edward ForbesJohn Hutton Balfour1841PTH

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.371s