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Rev. John Ewbank Leefe (1813 - 1889)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev. John Ewbank Leefe from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 1 to 40 of 108
infoCarex remotaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BathCharles Cardale BabingtonJohn Ewbank Leefe18/6/1834E
infoSalix viminalis x cinerea = S. x holosericeaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesJohn Ewbank LeefeArthur Bennett
Arthur Waters Preston
Charles Bailey
infoSalix viminalis x cinerea = S. x holosericeaGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedJohn Ewbank LeefeCharles Bailey
Arthur Bennett
infoCarex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, Frith Hill, GodalmingArthur BennettJohn Ewbank Leefe
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
infoSalix purpureaGB, VC17 Surrey, KewJohn Ewbank Leefe
William Hadden Beeby
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeJohn Ewbank Leefe15/5/1879E
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank Leefe15/5/1839E
infoCarex ripariaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank Leefe15/5/1839E
infoConsolida regalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeRichmond Museum
Charles Bailey
James Ward
infoConsolida regalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank Leefe1840MANCH
infoSalix auritaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown3/4/1842
infoSalix cinerea subsp. oleifoliaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown28/3/1842
infoSalix cinerea subsp. oleifoliaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown4/4/1842 to 14/7/1842BIRM
infoSalix cinerea subsp. oleifoliaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown5/4/1842
infoSalix cinerea subsp. oleifoliaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown6/4/1842
infoSalix fragilis x alba = S. x rubensGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeCharles Cardale Babington5/4/1839 to 5/6/1840CGE
infoSalix purpureaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown25/3/1842
infoSalix purpurea x viminalis = S. x rubraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown6/4/1842
infoSalix triandraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown25/4/1842BIRM
infoSalix triandraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown26/4/1842
infoSalix triandraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown4/5/1842
infoSalix triandraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown9/5/1842
infoSalix triandraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown9/5/1842BIRM
infoSalix triandraGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown12/8/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown19/3/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown22/3/1842
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley End CultivatedJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown4/4/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown4/4/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown5/4/1842 to 30/7/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown5/4/1842
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown12/7/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown12/7/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown16/7/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalisGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown12/8/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeCharles Cardale Babington19/3/1842 to 19/7/1842CGE
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown19/3/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeJohn Stevens Henslow19/3/1842
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown15/4/1842BIRM
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeDonor Unknown24/4/1842
infoSalix viminalis x caprea = S. x smithianaGB, VC19 North Essex, Audley EndJohn Ewbank LeefeJohn Stevens Henslow7/5/1842CGE

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Searched in 1.323s