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Mr Arthur Bennett (19/6/1843 - 2/5/1929)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Arthur Bennett from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 361 to 400 of 1340
+Cuscuta epithymumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,Addington HillsCharles Bailey
Arthur Bennett
infoFilago pyramidataGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,Duppas HillArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby15/7/1872SLBI
infoFilago vulgarisGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,Duppas HillArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby15/7/1872SLBI
infoScleranthus annuusGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,Duppas HillArthur BennettWilliam Hadden BeebySLBI
infoGentianella anglicaGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,RiddlesdownsArthur BennettAllan Octavian Hume6/1876SLBI
infoFumaria officinalisGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,WaddonArthur BennettCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Arthur Bennett
infoChenopodium urbicumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,Waddon MarshArthur BennettArthur Bennett
George Stephen West
infoMinuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon,Waddon MarshArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby6/1879SLBI
+Teucrium botrysGB, VC17 Surrey, Dorking,Box HillArthur BennettCharles Bailey8/1850MANCH
+Teucrium botrysGB, VC17 Surrey, Dorking,Box HillArthur BennettCharles Bailey8/1875MANCH
+Teucrium botrysGB, VC17 Surrey, Dorking,Box HillCharles Bailey
Arthur Bennett
+Teucrium botrysGB, VC17 Surrey, Dorking,Box HillArthur Bennett9/1844MANCH
infoPotamogeton obtusifoliusGB, VC17 Surrey, EarlswoodArthur Bennett9/1880MANCH
+Mentha pulegiumGB, VC17 Surrey, Earlswood CommonArthur Bennett9/1880MANCH
infoPersicaria lapathifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, Earlswood CommonAlbert John CrosfieldWilliam Hadden Beeby
Arthur Bennett
infoPotamogeton obtusifoliusGB, VC17 Surrey, Earlswood CommonArthur BennettArthur Bennett
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton obtusifoliusGB, VC17 Surrey, Earlswood CommonArthur Bennett9/1880ABS
infoCarex leporinaGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby6/1880SLBI
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Arthur Bennett
Frederick Janson Hanbury
John Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
infoLegousia hybridaGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettCharles Bailey7/1876MANCH
infoMinuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1879SLBI
infoOrobanche elatiorGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1879SLBI
infoOrobanche elatiorGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1878SLBI
infoRosa micranthaGB, VC17 Surrey, EpsomArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1878SLBI
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC17 Surrey, Epsom DownsArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Arthur Bennett
Henry & James Groves
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC17 Surrey, Field by Cold Harbour LaneArthur Bennett31/5/1863BM
infoCarex acutaGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur BennettCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society7/1886SLBI
infoPotamogeton berchtoldiiGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles8/1888ABS
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur BennettAlexander Somerville8/1888E
infoPotamogeton gramineus x perfoliatus = P. x nitensGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Bailey
Eyre Champion de Crespigny
infoPotamogeton gramineus x perfoliatus = P. x nitensGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton gramineus x perfoliatus = P. x nitensGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoRubus polyanthemusGB, VC17 Surrey, FrimleyArthur Bennett1888SLBI
infoCarex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, Frith Hill Wood GodalmingArthur BennettHenry Tuke Mennell6/1874BIRM
infoCarex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, Frith Hill, GodalmingArthur BennettGeorge Stephen West7/1875BIRM
infoCarex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, Frith Hill, GodalmingArthur BennettJohn Ewbank Leefe
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
+Carex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingArthur BennettCharles Bailey6/1872MANCH
+Carex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingArthur BennettCharles Bailey6/1875MANCH
+Carex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingArthur BennettCharles Bailey8/1882MANCH
+Carex depauperataGB, VC17 Surrey, GodalmingArthur Bennett1886MANCH

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