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Henry Haselfoot Haines (1867 - 1945)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Henry Haselfoot Haines from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 361 to 400 of 459
infoLemna trisulcaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, GirtonHenry Haselfoot Haines1890ABS
infoBerula erectaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1887ABS
infoButomus umbellatusGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1887ABS
infoLysimachia nummulariaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1887ABS
infoLysimachia vulgarisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1887ABS
infoMyosoton aquaticumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1887ABS
infoScrophularia auriculataGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1887ABS
infoBerula erectaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoCladium mariscusGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoHippuris vulgarisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoMyriophyllum verticillatumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines23/7/1898ABS
infoNuphar luteaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoNymphaea albaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoThalictrum flavumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoThelypteris palustrisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoUtricularia vulgarisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines28/7/1887ABS
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenHenry Haselfoot Haines7/5/1893ABS
infoNeottia nidus-avisGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CheltenhamHenry Haselfoot Haines8/6/1919ABS
infoPlatanthera chloranthaGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CheltenhamHenry Haselfoot Haines8/6/1919ABS
infoVicia sativa subsp. nigraGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, AvonmouthHenry Haselfoot Haines27/5/1894ABS
infoMalva moschataGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, BristolHenry Haselfoot Haines9/8/1930ABS
infoSenecio viscosusGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, BristolHenry Haselfoot Haines23/9/1907ABS
infoArabis scabraGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonHenry Haselfoot Haines15/5/1894ABS
infoHypericum montanumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, CliftonHenry Haselfoot Haines2/7/1911ABS
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Clifton DownHenry Haselfoot Haines8/8/1930ABS
infoSalvia verbenacaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Clifton DownHenry Haselfoot Haines17/5/1933ABS
infoVeronica spicataGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Clifton DownHenry Haselfoot Haines21/7/1907ABS
infoRanunculus parviflorusGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Kings weston DownHenry Haselfoot Haines8/5/1912ABS
infoGeranium sanguineumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Old SodburyHenry Haselfoot Haines7/1931ABS
infoSparganium erectum subsp. erectumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, Sea MillsHenry Haselfoot Haines23/7/1928ABS
infoDaucus carotaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, SouthmeadHenry Haselfoot Haines9/8/1930ABS
infoEpilobium parviflorumGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WickHenry Haselfoot Haines25/7/1912ABS
infoTrisetum flavescensGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WickHenry Haselfoot Haines25/7/1912ABS
infoLepidium draba subsp. drabaGB, VC34 West Gloucestershire, WickwarHenry Haselfoot Haines6/6/1903ABS
infoOnonis spinosa subsp. spinosaGB, Gloucestershire, Tites PointHenry Haselfoot Haines22/7/1933ABS
infoCalamintha arvensisGB, VC6,VC34, Avon GorgeHenry Haselfoot Haines23/7/1928ABS
infoCymbalaria muralisGB, VC6,VC34, Avon GorgeHenry Haselfoot Haines23/7/1928ABS
infoEuonymus europaeusGB, VC6,VC34, Avon GorgeHenry Haselfoot Haines6/1894ABS
infoLuzula campestrisGB, VC6,VC34, BristolHenry Haselfoot Haines25/4/1895ABS
infoGeum urbanumGB, VC6,VC34, River AvonHenry Haselfoot Haines8/6/1905ABS

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