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William West

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by William West from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 201 to 214 of 214
infoCrassula tillaeaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Guernsey,L'AncresseGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoHerniaria ciliolataGB, VC113 Channel Islands, JerseyC J TempereWilliam West7/1876BIRM
infoSilene gallicaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey,Fort RegentGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoMedicago minimaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Saint Ouen's Bay, JerseyGeorge Claridge DruceWilliam West6/1877BIRM
infoPolypogon monspeliensisGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Saint Sampson's, GuernseyGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoThlaspi arvenseGB, ScotlandGeorge RossGeorge Stephen West
William West
+Carex viridula s.l.GB, Tarndale, ClevelandWilliam West5/1852BIRM
infoEuphorbia hybernaIE, VCH1 South Kerry, WatervilleWilliam WestGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoEpilobium obscurumIE, Kerry, KillarneyCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPinguicula grandifloraIE, Kerry, Lough DerrianaWilliam WestGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPinguicula grandifloraIE, Kerry, Lough DerrianaWilliam WestGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoDaboecia cantabricaIE, VCH16 West Galway, ConnemaraJ E TillotsonWilliam WestBIRM
infoUtricularia intermediaIE, VCH16 West Galway, RecessWilliam WestWilliam West7/1890BIRM
infoPinguicula lusitanicaIE, VCH16 West Galway, RoundstoneWilliam WestGeorge Stephen West
William West

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