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Mary Ann Brooks M A B (1822 - 1848)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mary Ann Brooks M A B from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 201 to 240 of 279
infoRanunculus sardousGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoRaphanus raphanistrumGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoRumex sanguineusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSambucus nigraGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSanicula europaeaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSaxifraga granulataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSaxifraga tridactylitesGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoScirpus sylvaticusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoScleranthus annuusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoScrophularia auriculataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSenecio jacobaeaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSenecio vulgarisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSherardia arvensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSilene latifoliaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSilene unifloraGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSmyrnium olusatrumGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSonchus arvensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSpergula arvensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoSpergularia rubraGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoStachys officinalisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoStellaria holosteaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoStellaria palustrisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoTamus communisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoTaraxacum GB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoTaxus baccataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoThlaspi arvenseGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoTragopogon pratensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoTrollius europaeusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, Flitwick CultivatedMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoTussilago farfaraGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoUlex europaeusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoUrtica dioicaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoUrtica urensGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoVerbena officinalisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoVeronica agrestisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoVeronica arvensisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoVeronica serpyllifoliaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoViburnum lantanaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoViola odorataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoViola palustrisGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM
infoViola rivinianaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickMary Ann BrooksBIRM

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.087s