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London Natural History Society

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by London Natural History Society from Great Britain and Ireland
Results 241 to 280 of 1101
infoRanunculus arvensisGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadLondon Natural History Society
Philip Henry Cooke
infoSymphytum orientaleGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society22/5/1945SLBI
infoTilia cordataGB, VC17 Surrey, Ashtead CultivatedPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society2/7/1894SLBI
infoTilia platyphyllos x cordata = T. x europaeaGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society27/6/1940SLBI
infoVeronica serpyllifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society25/8/1946SLBI
infoVinca majorGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society10/7/1944SLBI
infoCarex echinataGB, VC17 Surrey, BagshotEdmund Browne BishopLondon Natural History Society1/6/1913SLBI
infoEuphorbia cyparissiasGB, VC17 Surrey, BansteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society25/5/1939SLBI
infoEuphorbia esula x waldsteinii = E. x pseudovirgataGB, VC17 Surrey, BansteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society22/6/1934SLBI
infoGeranium dissectumGB, VC17 Surrey, BansteadPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society15/6/1938SLBI
infoSanguisorba minorGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead CommonPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society25/5/1939SLBI
infoCerastium arvenseGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society8/7/1939SLBI
infoCerastium pumilumGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsJob Edward LousleyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
London Natural History Society
infoCerastium semidecandrumGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society25/5/1939SLBI
infoGeranium molleGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society25/5/1939SLBI
infoLinum catharticumGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society1/7/1939SLBI
infoMinuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsCyril Ingram PatonLondon Natural History Society11/6/1941SLBI
infoThesium GB, VC17 Surrey, Banstead DownsPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society1/7/1939SLBI
infoSmyrnium perfoliatumGB, VC17 Surrey, BatterseaG M GibsonLondon Natural History Society20/5/1939SLBI
infoLamium albumGB, VC17 Surrey, BeddingtonPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society20/3/1937SLBI
infoPapaver somniferumGB, VC17 Surrey, BeddingtonPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society5/10/1936SLBI
infoSalvia GB, VC17 Surrey, Beddington ParkPhilip Henry CookeLondon Natural History Society4/8/1942SLBI
infoAnagallis arvensisGB, VC17 Surrey, BookhamEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/9/1949SLBI
infoCichorium intybusGB, VC17 Surrey, BookhamEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society9/8/1953SLBI
infoFagopyrum esculentumGB, VC17 Surrey, BookhamEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society14/9/1952SLBI
infoRanunculus auricomusGB, VC17 Surrey, BookhamJoan Frances Hall
Peter Charles Hall
London Natural History Society9/5/1954SLBI
infoRanunculus auricomusGB, VC17 Surrey, BookhamJoan Frances Hall
Peter Charles Hall
London Natural History Society9/5/1954SLBI
infoSalix cinereaGB, VC17 Surrey, BookhamLondon Natural History SocietySLBI
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/7/1948SLBI
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoApium nodiflorumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society11/9/1949SLBI
infoArabidopsis thalianaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society14/5/1950SLBI
infoCallitriche stagnalisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953SLBI
infoCardamine hirsutaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society14/5/1950SLBI
infoCardamine hirsutaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoCardamine pratensisGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonPeter Charles HallLondon Natural History Society12/4/1953SLBI
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History Society29/6/1948BM
infoCarex leporinaGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonJoan Frances HallLondon Natural History Society14/6/1953SLBI
infoCarex nigraGB, VC17 Surrey, Bookham CommonEdward Benedict BangerterLondon Natural History SocietySLBI

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Searched in 1.643s