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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 1 to 38 of 38
infoChara GB, VC70 Cumberland, Black DubN Thompson
W Davidson
infoChara aspera var. asperaGB, VC70 Cumberland, GilslandRobert A Boyd29/6/1949CLE
infoChara vulgarisGB, VC70 Cumberland, SoutherfieldClara Winsome Muirhead7/1934CLE
infoChara vulgarisGB, VC70 Cumberland, SoutherfieldClara Winsome Muirhead8/1946CLE
infoDiphasiastrum alpinumGB, VC69 Westmorland, LangdaleDorothy Stewart30/7/1930CLE
infoDiphasiastrum alpinumGB, VC69 Westmorland, Saint Sunday CragHarold Britten28/6/1926CLE
infoDiphasiastrum alpinumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Fleetwith PikeClara Winsome Muirhead15/7/1946CLE
infoDiphasiastrum alpinumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Piers Gill15/9/1928CLE
infoDiphasiastrum alpinumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Scarth GapClara Winsome Muirhead23/8/1947CLE
infoDiphasiastrum alpinumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Sty Head PassJohn LeitchJohn Leitch23/8/1874CLE
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC69 Westmorland, Harrison StickleDorothy Stewart30/7/1930CLE
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC69 Westmorland, Saint Sunday CragHarold Britten28/6/1926CLE
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC70 Cumberland, Cross FellHarold BrittenHarold Britten20/4/1924CLE
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC70 Cumberland, Harter FellJoan Hely Creed
Robert A Boyd
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC70 Cumberland, Sty Head PassJohn Leitch12/8/1876CLE
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC70 Cumberland, Wasdale [Wastdale]Robert Hardy WilliamsonRobert Hardy Williamson15/9/1928CLE
infoIsoetes lacustrisGB, VC69 Westmorland, Coniston WaterClara Winsome Muirhead6/8/1951CLE
infoIsoetes lacustrisGB, VC70 Cumberland, ButtermereClara Winsome Muirhead23/8/1947CLE
infoIsoetes lacustrisGB, VC70 Cumberland, Watendlath TarnHarold BrittenHarold Britten19/6/1925CLE
infoLycopodiella inundataGB, VC70 Cumberland, BorrowdaleJohn LeitchJohn Leitch22/7/1876CLE
infoLycopodium annotinumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Bow FellD Walker
Derek Almey Ratcliffe
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC69 Westmorland, DeepdaleHarold Britten9/6/1924CLE
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC69 Westmorland, Langdale PikesDorothy Stewart30/7/1930CLE
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC69 Westmorland, Saint Sunday CragsHarold Britten28/6/1926CLE
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Carrock FellDerek Almey Ratcliffe15/7/1961CLE
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Fleetwith PikeJoan Hely Creed
Robert A Boyd
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Fleetwith PikeClara Winsome Muirhead15/7/1946CLE
infoLycopodium clavatumGB, VC70 Cumberland, Sty Head PassJohn LeitchJohn Leitch23/8/1874CLE
infoNitella GB, VC69 Westmorland, OrtonW Davidson7/1950CLE
infoNitella flexilisGB, VC70 Cumberland, Abbey TownClara Winsome Muirhead11/5/1949CLE
infoNitella flexilisGB, VC70 Cumberland, Bassenthwaite LakeClara Winsome Muirhead16/6/1951CLE
infoNitella flexilisGB, VC70 Cumberland, EnnerdaleClara Winsome Muirhead3/7/1949CLE
infoNitella flexilisGB, VC70 Cumberland, Ennerdale LakeClara Winsome Muirhead17/6/1949CLE
infoSelaginella selaginoidesGB, VC69 Westmorland, ScarsdaleHarold BrittenHarold Britten27/6/1926CLE
infoSelaginella selaginoidesGB, VC69 Westmorland, ScarsdaleHarold Britten27/6/1926CLE
infoSelaginella selaginoidesGB, VC69 Westmorland, Stock Ghyll ForceHarold Britten23/6/1926CLE
infoSelaginella selaginoidesGB, VC70 Cumberland, BorrowdaleJohn LeitchJohn Leitch22/7/1874CLE
infoSelaginella selaginoidesGB, VC70 Cumberland, GeltsdaleDerek Almey Ratcliffe10/5/1954CLE

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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