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Mr Edgar Franklin Cooper (24/9/1833 - 1916)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Edgar Franklin Cooper
Results 1 to 46 of 46
infoAlchemilla alpinaGB, VC70 Cumberland, Honister PassEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West11/8/1877BIRM
+Calamintha arvensisGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
+Campanula patulaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LuorndonEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey23/7/1878MANCH
infoCampanula patulaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, QuorndonEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West15/9/1877BIRM
infoDryopteris cristataGB, VC28 West Norfolk, DersinghamEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West7/1876BIRM
infoEchium vulgareGB, VC59 South Lancashire, BirkdaleEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West26/6/1877BIRM
+Frankenia laevisGB, VC28 West Norfolk, Holme-by-the-SeaEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
+Groenlandia densaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Leicester, EvingtonEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
+Habenaria bifoliaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoJasione montanaGB, VC70 Cumberland, ThrelkeldEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West9/8/1877BIRM
infoLobelia dortmannaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Llyn y AfanEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoMelampyrum pratenseGB, VC59 South Lancashire, RivingtonEdgar Franklin CooperWilliam Hunt Painter6/1878ABS
+Nepeta catariaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
+Nepeta catariaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlanfairfechanEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoOphioglossum vulgatumGB, VC59 South Lancashire, BirkdaleEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West27/6/1877BIRM
infoOrchis masculaGB, VC15 East Kent, Folkestone WarrenEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
+Potamogeton friesiiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey3/8/1891MANCH
infoPotamogeton lucensGB, VC55 Leicestershire, AylestoneEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoPotamogeton lucens x gramineus = P. x angustifoliusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, MoiraEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
infoPotamogeton lucens x gramineus = P. x angustifoliusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, MoiraEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoPotamogeton lucens x gramineus = P. x angustifoliusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, MoiraEdgar Franklin CooperEdgar Franklin Cooper17/8/1891E
infoPotamogeton lucens x gramineus = P. x ziziiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, MoiraEdgar Franklin CooperAugustin Ley18/8/1891BIRM
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LeicesterEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC55 Leicestershire, ScraptoftEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton natansGB, VC55 Leicestershire, ScraptoftEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton pectinatusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, AylestoneEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoPotamogeton pectinatusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton pectinatusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, MoiraEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey4/8/1890MANCH
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Frederick Thompson Mott
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles8/7/1892MANCH
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughAlfred FryerCharles Bailey
Edgar Franklin Cooper
infoPotamogeton perfoliatus x crispus = P. x cooperiGB, VC55 Leicestershire, LoughboroughEdgar Franklin CooperAlfred Fryer
Charles Bailey
infoPotamogeton polygonifoliusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Pelder TorEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoRanunculus sardousGB, VC14 East Sussex, EastbourneEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
infoRanunculus sardousGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey27/6/1892MANCH
infoRumex maritimusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Groby PoolEdgar Franklin CooperGeorge Stephen West21/9/1877BIRM
infoRumex maritimusGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Groby PoolEdgar Franklin CooperWilliam Hadden Beeby10/7/1878SLBI
infoSilene gallicaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, GuernseyEdgar Franklin CooperWilliam Robert Sherrin13/6/1897SLBI
+Silene gallicaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint HelierEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey6/1897MANCH
+Silene gallicaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint HelierEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey6/1897MANCH
+Silene noctifloraGB, VC27 East Norfolk, OverstrandEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
+Stachys arvensisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, OverstrandEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott
Thomas Thorp
infoViola reichenbachianaGB, VC15 East Kent, Folkestone WarrenEdgar Franklin CooperCharles Bailey
Frederick Thompson Mott

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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