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Rev. Edgar Marston Reynolds (1892 - 1977)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev. Edgar Marston Reynolds
Results 1 to 17 of 17
infoBupleurum falcatumGB, VC18 South Essex, Norton HeathEdgar Marston ReynoldsDouglas Montague Heath15/8/1918BIRM
infoCarex diandraGB, VC28 West Norfolk, Blo' Norton FenEdgar Marston Reynolds
Joseph Edward Little
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Harold Stuart Thompson
Joseph Edward Little
infoCarum bulbocastanumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Cherry HintonEdgar Marston ReynoldsDouglas Montague Heath
Frederick Robinson
infoCicerbita alpinaGB, VC90 Angus, Glen DollEdgar Marston ReynoldsNational Museum of Wales
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Harold Stuart Thompson
infoCorrigiola litoralisEdgar Marston ReynoldsDouglas Montague Heath
Frederick Robinson
+Corrigiola litoralisGB, VC3 South Devon, Slapton LeyEdgar Marston Reynolds5/1919BIRM
infoLychnis alpinaGB, VC70 Cumberland, Hobcarton CragsEdgar Marston Reynolds5/6/1918BIRM
infoMaianthemum bifoliumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, HacknessEdgar Marston Reynolds7/6/1918BIRM
infoMentha arvensis x spicata = M. x gracilisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, RibbleheadEdgar Marston Reynolds1916OXF
infoPeucedanum officinaleGB, VC19 North Essex, Kirby le SokenEdgar Marston ReynoldsFrederick Robinson
Douglas Montague Heath
infoPhleum phleoidesGB, VC28 West Norfolk, Swaffham HeathEdgar Marston ReynoldsDouglas Montague Heath1/7/1918BIRM
infoPolygala amarellaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, GrassingtonEdgar Marston ReynoldsDouglas Montague Heath5/1920BIRM
infoPolygala vulgaris subsp. collinaGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, PegsdonEdgar Marston Reynolds
Joseph Edward Little
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Joseph Edward Little
infoTephroseris integrifoliaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Newmarket, Devils DitchEdgar Marston ReynoldsDouglas Montague Heath4/6/1917BIRM
infoVeronica vernaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, SantonEdgar Marston Reynolds
Frederick Robinson
Douglas Montague Heath25/5/1918BIRM
infoVeronica vernaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, Santon WarrenEdgar Marston Reynolds
Joseph Edward Little
Harold Stuart Thompson
Joseph Edward Little
infoViola GB, VC28 West Norfolk, Santon WarrenEdgar Marston Reynolds
Joseph Edward Little
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Job Edward Lousley
Joseph Edward Little

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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