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Frederick Archibald Sowter (1899 - 1972)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Frederick Archibald Sowter
Results 1 to 24 of 24
infoAnacamptis morioGB, VC55 Leicestershire, BraunstoneFrederick Archibald Sowter5/1914BR
infoAnacamptis pyramidalisGB, VC3 South Devon, SidmouthFrederick Archibald Sowter3/8/1927BR
infoArabidopsis thalianaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Earl ShiltonFrederick Archibald Sowter5/1930SLBI
infoClaytonia sibiricaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, CadebyFrederick Archibald SowterBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
Job Edward Lousley
infoEpipactis palustrisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Sheringham
GB, VC55 Leicestershire, Botcheston Bog
Frederick Archibald Sowter7/1914BR
infoEuphrasia anglicaGB, VC14 East Sussex, East GrinsteadR T BurdonFrederick Archibald Sowter30/8/1930BR
infoEuphrasia confusaGB, VC3 South Devon, DartmoorFrederick Archibald Sowter8/1929BR
infoFumaria officinalisGB, VC32 Northamptonshire, BarrowdenBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC55 Leicestershire, WalthamFrederick Archibald Sowter6/1929BR
infoListera ovataGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Skeffington WoodFrederick Archibald Sowter3/6/1927BR
infoLuzula multiflora subsp. congestaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Buddon WoodBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
infoMyosotis discolorGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Newell Wood, PickworthBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
Job Edward Lousley
Arthur Edward Wade
infoMyosotis sylvaticaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Skeffington WoodFrederick Archibald SowterBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
Job Edward Lousley
infoNeottia nidus-avisGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Aston Firs WoodFrederick Archibald Sowter15/6/1928BR
infoOphrys apiferaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, BreedonFrederick Archibald SowterFrederick Archibald Sowter6/1915BR
infoOrchis anthropophoraGB, VC15 East Kent, CanterburyFrederick Archibald Sowter5/1934BR
infoOrchis masculaVC55Frederick Archibald Sowter5/1925BR
infoPlatanthera chloranthaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Aston Firs WoodFrederick Archibald Sowter15/6/1928BR
infoPlatanthera chloranthaGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Owston WoodFrederick Archibald Sowter6/1929BR
infoSpiranthes spiralisGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Guernsey,L'Ancresse CommonFrederick Archibald Sowter8/1932BR
infoTeesdalia nudicaulisGB, VC55 Leicestershire, Earl ShiltonFrederick Archibald SowterBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Job Edward Lousley
infoTrifolium subterraneumGB, VC55 Leicestershire, MountsorrelFrederick Archibald Sowter7/1931SLBI
infoUlmus minorGB, VC55 Leicestershire, OwstonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
infoViola arvensisGB, VC32,VC55, KettonFrederick Archibald SowterBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Frederick Archibald Sowter
Job Edward Lousley

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