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Mr Frederick Morgan Webb (1841 - 10/1880)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Frederick Morgan Webb
Results 1 to 40 of 56
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC16 West Kent, PlumsteadJoseph Barnabas FrenchAugustin Ley
Frederick Morgan Webb
+Anagallis minimaGB, VC58 Cheshire, ThurstastonFrederick Morgan Webb
John Harbord Lewis
Charles Bailey
John Harbord Lewis
infoCallitriche obtusangulaGB, VC58 Cheshire, FrodshamFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey
Frederick Morgan Webb
infoCallitriche obtusangulaGB, VC58 Cheshire, FrodshamFrederick Morgan Webb8/7/1875K
infoCaltha palustris var. guerangeriiGB, VC58 Cheshire, Birkenhead, NoctorumFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey
John Harbord Lewis
infoCarex binervisGB, Aberdeenshire
GB, VC83 Midlothian, Edinburgh Cultivated
F M Webb
Frederick Morgan Webb
Augustin Ley7/7/1877BIRM
infoCarex binervisGB, Aberdeenshire
GB, VC83 Midlothian, Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens Cultivated
Frederick Morgan Webb30/6/1876E
infoCarex binervisGB, Aberdeenshire
GB, VC83 Midlothian, Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens Cultivated
Frederick Morgan Webb19/6/1876
infoCarex binervisGB, Aberdeenshire
GB, VC83 Midlothian, Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens Cultivated
Frederick Morgan Webb27/7/1876E
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC98 ArgyllshireFrederick Morgan WebbBotanical Record Club
Frederick Morgan Webb
infoCarex echinataGB, VC98 Argyllshire, Lochan na BiFrederick Morgan WebbBotanical Record Club8/8/1879BM
+Carex ericetorumFrederick Morgan WebbRoyal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Charles Bailey
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC90 Angus, UsanAndrew KerrRoyal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Frederick Morgan Webb
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC58 Cheshire, LedshamFrederick Morgan Webb
John Harbord Lewis
John Harbord Lewis21/6/1873BM
infoCarex pullaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Laoigh [Ben Lui]Frederick Morgan Webb15/7/1876BON
infoCarex pullaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Laoigh [Ben Lui]Frederick Morgan WebbFrederick Morgan Webb15/7/1876E
infoCarex pullaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Laoigh [Ben Lui]Frederick Morgan Webb11/8/1879E
infoCarex pullaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Laoigh [Ben Lui]Frederick Morgan Webb11/8/1879E
infoCarex pullaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, KillinFrederick Morgan Webb16/8/1878E
infoCarex x helvolaGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, LochnagarJohn Hutton BalfourArthur Bennett
Frederick Morgan Webb
Charles Edgar Salmon
infoCeratocapnos claviculataGB, VC58 Cheshire, WirralFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey
John Harbord Lewis
infoCircaea lutetiana x alpina = C. x intermediaGB, VC83 Midlothian, HawthorndenFrederick Morgan WebbAugustin Ley8/8/1876BIRM
infoCirsium arvenseGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghFrederick Morgan WebbAugustin Ley16/8/1876BIRM
infoCirsium arvenseGB, VC83 Midlothian, EdinburghFrederick Morgan WebbFrederick Townsend16/8/1876SLBI
infoCoincya monensis subsp. monensisGB, VC58 Cheshire, WallaseyFrederick Morgan WebbAugustin Ley5/1866BIRM
infoConsolida ajacisGB, VC58 Cheshire, Little Brighton CultivatedFrederick Morgan Webb
John Harbord Lewis
Charles Bailey
John Harbord Lewis
+Gentianella campestrisGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, KillinFrederick Morgan WebbW Horton-Smith8/1878MANCH
infoGnaphalium supinumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Breadalbane MountainsFrederick Morgan Webb14/8/1876MANCH
+Juncus castaneusGB, VC90 Angus, ClovaIsaac Bayley BalfourCharles Bailey
Frederick Morgan Webb
+Lycopodiella inundataGB, VC58 Cheshire, Oxton HeathFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey22/7/1872MANCH
+Minuartia sedoidesGB, Perthshire, PerthshireFrederick Morgan WebbW Horton-Smith16/8/1878MANCH
+Ophrys sphegodesGB, VC15 East Kent, HartlipFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey24/4/1876MANCH
+Ophrys sphegodesGB, VC15 East Kent, HartlipFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey24/4/1876MANCH
infoOphrys sphegodesGB, VC15 East Kent, HartlipFrederick Morgan WebbAugustin Ley24/4/1876BIRM
+Polystichum lonchitisGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Creag na CaillichFrederick Morgan WebbW Horton-Smith12/8/1878MANCH
infoPotamogeton coloratus x berchtoldii = P. x lanceolatusGB, VC52 Anglesey, AngleseaFrederick Morgan Webb9/1866BON
infoPotamogeton coloratus x berchtoldii = P. x lanceolatusGB, VC52 Anglesey, LligwyFrederick Morgan WebbJohn Thomas Irvine Boswell-Syme
Arthur Bennett
Frederick Janson Hanbury
infoPotamogeton coloratus x berchtoldii = P. x lanceolatusGB, VC52 Anglesey, River LligwyFrederick Morgan WebbFrederick Morgan Webb9/1866MANCH
infoPotamogeton gramineusGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Meall nan TarmachanFrederick Morgan Webb14/8/1878E
+Primula farinosaGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Ashberry PasturesFrederick Morgan WebbCharles Bailey
Charles Bailey
John Harbord Lewis

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Searched in 2.800s