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William Charles Unwin (1811 - 1887)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by William Charles Unwin
Results 1 to 17 of 17
infoCardamine amaraGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Moseley CommonWilliam Charles UnwinBirmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society20/5/1852BIRM
infoCicendia filiformisGB, VC14 East Sussex, Turners HillWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West7/1867BIRM
infoCircaea lutetianaGB, VC13 West Sussex, HorshamWilliam Charles UnwinAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoCorrigiola litoralisGB, VC3 South Devon, Slapton SandsWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West7/1852BIRM
infoElatine hexandraGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West8/1852BIRM
infoGlyceria fluitansGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinMantua And Montferrat6/1850BON
infoHordeum marinumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles Unwin8/1852BIRM
infoLimonium binervosumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West8/1852BIRM
infoLuzula pilosaGB, VC14 East Sussex, Warningore WoodWilliam Charles Unwin5/1850BON
infoOrchis morioGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles Unwin5/1850BON
infoOrchis ustulataGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinMantua And Montferrat5/1850BON
infoRanunculus hederaceusWilliam Charles UnwinFrederick Townsend5/1851SLBI
infoSpartina alternifloraGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West8/1852BIRM
infoSpartina maritimaGB, Sussex, Salt MarshesWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West8/1852BIRM
infoTephroseris integrifoliaGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West8/1852BIRM
infoThesium humifusumGB, VC14 East Sussex, LewesWilliam Charles UnwinGeorge Stephen West9/8/1852BIRM
infoTrifolium fragiferumGB, VC14 East Sussex, SouthoverWilliam Charles UnwinMantua And Montferrat8/1850BON

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