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Donald Peter Young (1917 - 1972)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Donald Peter Young
Results 1 to 40 of 103
infoAmaranthus blitumGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, WheathampsteadBSBI ExcursionCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Donald Peter Young
infoArmeria maritimaGB, VC53 South Lincolnshire, AncasterDonald Peter Young25/7/1959SLBI
infoArtemisia GB, VC17 Surrey, EwellDonald Peter YoungCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society15/10/1959SLBI
infoBarbarea intermediaGB, VC17 Surrey, Lower MordenDonald Peter YoungCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society30/5/1957SLBI
infoBerberis glaucocarpaGB, VC17 Surrey, GodstoneDonald Peter YoungCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society16/11/1958
infoBolboschoenus maritimusGB, VC17 Surrey, PutneyCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Donald Peter Young
infoCallitriche hamulataGB, VC17 Surrey, ChelshamDonald Peter YoungCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society2/7/1956SLBI
infoCalystegia dahuricaGB, VC17 Surrey, BletchingleyB A KnellerCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Donald Peter Young
infoCalystegia dahuricaGB, VC17 Surrey, South NutfieldB A KnellerCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Donald Peter Young
infoCardamine pratensis subsp. paludosaGB, VC17 Surrey, BucklandCroydon Natural History and Scientific SocietyCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Donald Peter Young
infoCarex arenariaGB, VC17 Surrey, FrenshamDonald Peter Young31/5/1947BM
infoCarex canescensGB, VC17 Surrey, Reigate HeathDonald Peter Young12/5/1956BM
infoCarex canescensGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Gormire LakeRobert LewisBotanical Society of The British Isles
Donald Peter Young
infoCarex chordorrhizaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Loch NaverDonald Peter YoungBM
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC52 Anglesey, LlanbedrgochDonald Peter Young23/5/1953BM
infoCarex distichaGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDonald Peter Young22/5/1947BM
infoCarex divisaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BerrowDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young22/5/1949BM
infoCarex divulsaGB, VC11 South HampshireBarbara Welch
Donald Peter Young
infoCarex divulsaGB, VC17 Surrey, LimpsfieldDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young5/6/1955BM
infoCarex divulsaGB, VC39 Staffordshire, MarchingtonEric Smoothy EdeesDonald Peter Young
Eric Smoothy Edees
infoCarex divulsa subsp. divulsaGB, VC17 Surrey, MaldenDonald Peter Young1956BM
infoCarex divulsa subsp. leersiiGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon, Croham HurstDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young19/6/1955BM
infoCarex echinataGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, PenmaenmawrDonald Peter Young20/5/1938BM
infoCarex elongataGB, VC17 Surrey, PyrfordDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young20/5/1967BM
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC6 North Somerset, BerrowDonald Peter Young22/5/1949BM
infoCarex lasiocarpaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Rannoch MoorDonald Peter Young24/6/1958BM
infoCarex lasiocarpaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, Loch NaverDonald Peter Young21/6/1958BM
infoCarex leporinaGB, VC17 Surrey, Mitcham CommonDonald Peter YoungCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Donald Peter Young
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, BettyhillDonald Peter Young22/6/1958BM
infoCarex maritimaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, River NaverDonald Peter YoungCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society22/6/1958SLBI
infoCarex muricataGB, VC21 Middlesex, CheapsideDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young20/9/1947BM
infoCarex otrubae x remota = C. x pseudoaxillarisGB, VC17 Surrey, OutwoodB A KnellerDonald Peter Young6/1956BM
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC17 Surrey, LimpsfieldDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young5/6/1955BM
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Hartlebury CommonDonald Peter Young28/5/1949BM
infoCarex paniculataGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, FlitwickDonald Peter YoungDonald Peter Young21/7/1946BM
infoCarex pseudocyperusGB, VC14 East Sussex, PevenseyDonald Peter Young28/8/1935BM
infoCarex remotaGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, SloughDonald Peter Young24/7/1935BM
infoCarex ripariaGB, VC22 Berkshire, SloughDonald Peter Young28/5/1939BM
infoCarex spicataGB, VC17 Surrey, MaldenDonald Peter Young1956BM
infoCarex spicataGB, VC17 Surrey, MitchamDonald Peter Young1956BM

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