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Mr Arthur Bennett (19/6/1843 - 2/5/1929)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Arthur Bennett
Results 1 to 40 of 1371
infoAcer campestreGB, VC17 Surrey, PurleyArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles9/1881BIRM
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC112 Shetland, Fair IsleErnest StrakerGeorge Stephen West
Arthur Bennett
+Agrostemma githagoGB, VC17 Surrey, Field by Cold Harbour LaneArthur Bennett31/5/1863BM
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC109 Caithness, River ThursoRobert LindsayAlbert Bruce Jackson
Arthur Bennett
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC17 Surrey, CroydonArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1874SLBI
infoAlchemilla connivensGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedArthur Bennett
R Wood
William Hadden Beeby1885SLBI
infoAlchemilla filicaulisGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, BoxmoorArthur Bennett
Walter Waters Reeves
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, ObbeM S DuncanArthur Bennett11/10/1892SLBI
infoAllium ampeloprasumGB, VC5 South Somerset, West Monkton CultivatedEdward Shearburn MarshallArthur Bennett4/4/1907
infoAllium ampeloprasumGB, VC113 Channel Islands, HermErnest David MarquandAllan Octavian Hume
Arthur Bennett
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon Cultivated
GB, VC17 Surrey, Witley
Arthur BennettWatson Botanical Exchange Club8/1919SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby1872SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby1872SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon Cultivated
GB, VC17 Surrey, Milford
Arthur BennettAugustin Ley7/1876BIRM
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, MilfordArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby8/1872SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, MilfordArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby8/1872SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Milford CultivatedArthur BennettArthur Bennett
George Stephen West
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Witley CultivatedArthur BennettWatson Botanical Exchange Club8/1919SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Witley CultivatedHarold Stuart Thompson
Watson Botanical Exchange Club
Arthur Bennett
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Robert Large Baker
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC17 Surrey, Croydon CultivatedArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
+Allium sphaerocephalonGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey,Le MaraisArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club
Charles Bailey
infoAllium sphaerocephalonGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey,Saint Aubin's Bay CultivatedArthur BennettBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Robert Large Baker
infoAllium sphaerocephalonGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Saint Aubin's BayArthur BennettAugustin Ley1881BIRM
infoAllium vinealeGB, VC15 East Kent, DealArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby16/8/1873SLBI
+Anagallis minimaGB, VC13 West Sussex, BuxtedArthur BennettCharles Bailey7/1873MANCH
infoAnemone apenninaGB, VC17 Surrey, SuttonArthur Bennett5/1873MANCH
infoAnemone apenninaGB, VC17 Surrey, SuttonArthur Bennett4/5/1873SLBI
infoAnemone ranunculoidesGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, Calverton CultivatedGeorge Claridge DruceWilliam Hadden Beeby
Arthur Bennett
+Apera spica-ventiGB, VC17 Surrey, WokingArthur BennettArthur Bennett
Charles Bailey
infoArbutus alpinaGB, VC108 West Sutherland, DurnessFrederick Janson Hanbury
William Hadden Beeby
Arthur Bennett
infoArbutus unedoGB, VC11 South Hampshire, Bournemouth CultivatedA S WPhineas Fox Lee
William Hadden Beeby
Arthur Bennett
infoArctium minus subsp. pubensGB, VC52 Anglesey, Bodorgan StationJohn Edwards GriffithArthur Bennett10/1891SLBI
infoArctium minus x nemorosum CultivatedArthur BennettHarold Stuart Thompson1889BIRM
infoArctium nemorosum CultivatedArthur BennettWilliam Hunt Painter1889ABS
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC17 Surrey, CroydonArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby7/1882SLBI
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC17 Surrey, CroydonArthur Bennett7/1882SLBI
infoArctostaphylos uva-ursiGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, ObbeWilliam S DuncanWilliam Robert Sherrin
Arthur Bennett
infoArenaria tenuifolia subsp. hybridaGB, VC26 West Suffolk, Redneck HeathArthur BennettWilliam Hadden Beeby6/1878SLBI
infoArmeria maritimaGB, VC13 West Sussex, ShorehamArthur BennettArthur Bennett
William Hadden Beeby

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