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Mr Henry (Harry) Searle (1844 - 26/1/1935)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Henry (Harry) Searle
Results 1 to 40 of 104
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC14 East SussexFreeman Clarke Samuel RoperHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC58 Cheshire, Rostherne MereHenry (Harry) SearleBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hadden Beeby
infoAgrostis curtisiiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PenzanceWilliam CurnowHenry (Harry) Searle6/1875ABS
infoAnagallis arvensis subsp. foeminaGB, VC83 Midlothian, LeithHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hunt Painter8/1876ABS
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, MiddletonHenry (Harry) SearleManchester Museum
Charles Bailey
infoAnthyllis vulnerariaGB, VC36 Herefordshire, Saint WeonardsAugustin Ley
B M Wilkinson
Henry (Harry) Searle
Augustin Ley27/6/1884BIRM
infoAsarum europaeumHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hunt Painter4/1880ABS
infoAtriplex glabriusculaGB, Ambiguous locality (GB), BerwickHenry (Harry) Searle8/1874ABS
infoAtriplex littoralisGB, VC60 West Lancashire, FleetwoodHenry (Harry) Searle7/1879ABS
infoAtriplex littoralisGB, VC60 West Lancashire, FleetwoodHenry (Harry) Searle7/1879ABS
infoBidens cernuaGB, VC58 Cheshire, LindowHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hunt Painter8/1881ABS
infoBlysmus rufusGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, GrimsbyHenry (Harry) SearleGeorge Stephen West7/1879BIRM
infoCalamagrostis strictaGB, VC58 Cheshire, OakmereHenry (Harry) Searle8/1881BON
infoCallitriche hermaphroditicaGB, VC58 Cheshire, Rostherne MereHenry (Harry) SearleCharles Bailey11/8/1885MANCH
infoCallitriche hermaphroditicaGB, VC58 Cheshire, Rostherne MereHenry (Harry) SearleManchester Museum
Charles Bailey
infoCallitriche hermaphroditicaGB, VC58 Cheshire, Rostherne MereHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hadden Beeby
Arthur Bennett
infoCaltha palustris var. guerangeriiGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham,Malham TarnHenry (Harry) SearleCharles Bailey6/1885MANCH
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC57 Derbyshire, Monsal DaleHenry (Harry) SearleArthur Bennett
Charles Edgar Salmon
infoCarex bigelowiiGB, VC97 West Inverness-shire, Ben NevisHenry (Harry) Searle
John Whitehead
William Hunt Painter7/1875ABS
infoCarex divisaGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, CleethorpesHenry (Harry) SearleArthur Bennett
Charles Edgar Salmon
infoCarex lachenaliiGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, LochnagarJohn WhiteheadHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter
infoCarex laevigataGB, VC54 North Lincolnshire, GrimsbyHenry (Harry) SearleGeorge Stephen West7/1881BIRM
infoCarex lasiocarpaGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, RothiemurchusJohn WhiteheadHenry (Harry) Searle7/1876ABS
infoCarex limosaJames PercivalCharles James Wild
Henry (Harry) Searle
infoCarex nigraGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Ashton MossHenry (Harry) SearleArthur Bennett
William Hadden Beeby
infoCarex ovalisGB, VC37 Worcestershire, MalvernA D MelvinHenry (Harry) Searle6/1881ABS
infoCarex paniculata x remota = C. x boenninghausenianaGB, VC58 Cheshire, MatleyHenry (Harry) SearleCharles Bailey7/1881MANCH
infoCarex ripariaGB, VC58 Cheshire, Rostherne MereHenry (Harry) SearleA.S. Pennell1885E
infoCarex rostrata x vesicaria = C. x involutaGB, VC58 Cheshire, DelamereHenry (Harry) Searle7/1882ABS
infoCatabrosa aquaticaGB, VC58 Cheshire, Rostherne MereHenry (Harry) SearleGeorge Stephen West9/1883BIRM
infoCatabrosa aquatica var. littoralisGB, VC60 West Lancashire, BlackpoolHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hunt Painter8/1882ABS
infoCaucalis platycarposGB, VC3 South Devon, TeignmouthHenry (Harry) SearleHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter
infoCentaurium erythraeaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, LizardWilliam RobertsHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter
12/7/1880 to 13/7/1880ABS
infoCentaurium erythraeaGB, VC60 West Lancashire, Saint Anne's on SeaHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hunt Painter8/1882ABS
infoCentaurium pulchellumGB, VC58 Cheshire, WallaseyAlban Edward Lomax
Henry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter9/1880ABS
infoCerastium alpinumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersDavid J PowrieHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter
infoCerastium nigrescensGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben LawersHenry (Harry) SearleWilliam Hunt Painter6/1876ABS
infoCeratophyllum demersumGB, VC59 South Lancashire, AinsdaleHenry (Harry) SearleCharles Bailey10/1884MANCH
infoCeratophyllum demersumGB, VC59 South Lancashire, AinsdaleHenry (Harry) SearleCharles Bailey9/1884MANCH
infoChenopodium polyspermumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, ElyWilliam J CrossHenry (Harry) Searle
William Hunt Painter

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Searched in 1.595s