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H R Moiser

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by H R Moiser
Results 1 to 24 of 24
infoActaea spicataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, WetherbyH R Moiser6/6/1877MANCH
+Apera spica-ventiGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Sutton-on-the-ForestH R MoiserCharles Bailey8/1877MANCH
+Carex appropinquataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Askham BogH R MoiserCharles Bailey6/1877MANCH
+Carex appropinquataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Askham BogH R MoiserCharles Bailey5/1879MANCH
infoCarex digitataGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, HawnbyH R MoiserCharles Bailey6/1879MANCH
infoCarex viridula subsp. oedocarpaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Askham BogH R Moiser6/1879ABS
infoDaphne mezereumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Stockton on the ForestH R MoiserJohn Ralfs7/1877SLBI
+Daphne mezereumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, York,HuntingdonH R MoiserCharles Bailey19/3/1877MANCH
+Dianthus armeriaGB, East Yorkshire, ambiguous location,SkeltonH R MoiserCharles Bailey7/1877MANCH
infoGentiana pneumonantheGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Strensall CommonH R MoiserWilliam Hunt Painter8/1877ABS
+Helianthemum oelandicum subsp. levigatumGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, Middleton in Teesdale,Cronkley FellH R MoiserCharles Bailey16/7/1877MANCH
infoHelleborus foetidusGB, VC61 South-east Yorkshire, WheldrakeH R MoiserCharles Bailey19/3/1877MANCH
infoHelleborus viridis subsp. occidentalisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, WetherbyH R Moiser4/1877BIRM
infoHelleborus viridis subsp. occidentalisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, WetherbyH R Moiser
William West
George Stephen West
William West
infoHelleborus viridis subsp. occidentalisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, WetherbyH R MoiserGeorge Stephen West
William West
+Juncus compressusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, CliftonH R MoiserCharles Bailey7/1879MANCH
infoJuncus triglumisGB, VC66 County Durham, Widdybank Fell [Widdy Bank]H R Moiser18/7/1877ABS
infoPersicaria viviparaGB, VC65 North-west Yorkshire, Upper TeesdaleH R MoiserWilliam Hadden Beeby17/7/1877SLBI
+Primula farinosaGB, VC66 County Durham, Teesdale,Langdon BeckH R MoiserCharles Bailey18/7/1877MANCH
infoPrimula farinosaGB, VC66 County Durham, Teesdale,Langdon BeckH R MoiserWilliam Hunt Painter18/7/1877ABS
+Sedum villosumGB, Yorkshire, YorkshireH R MoiserCharles Bailey17/7/1877MANCH
+Veronica triphyllosGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, PoppletonH R MoiserCharles Bailey4/1898MANCH
infoVeronica triphyllosGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, PoppletonH R MoiserWilliam Hunt Painter4/1877ABS
infoVicia lathyroidesGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, AcombH R MoiserWilliam Hunt Painter5/1876ABS

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