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M G Daker

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by M G Daker
Results 1 to 34 of 34
infoAnacamptis pyramidalisGB, VC17 Surrey, DorkingM G Daker27/6/1959ABS
infoAsperula cynanchicaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoBlackstonia perfoliataGB, VC17 Surrey, DenbiesM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoBriza mediaGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Beacon HillM G Daker30/8/1959ABS
infoCampanula glomerataGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoCarex caryophylleaGB, VC14 East Sussex, Beachy HeadM G Daker4/1959ABS
infoCirsium acauleGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoDaucus carotaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoFumaria bastardiiGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Penglais, AberystwythM G DakerM G Daker10/10/1960ABS
infoFumaria densifloraGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, IvinghoeM G Daker25/8/1960ABS
infoFumaria muralis subsp. boraeiGB, VC3 South Devon, SidmouthM G Daker19/9/1960ABS
infoFumaria muralis subsp. boraeiGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Aberystwyth, Constitution HillM G Daker15/10/1960ABS
infoFumaria muralis subsp. boraeiGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, BorthM G DakerM G Daker27/7/1960ABS
infoFumaria officinalisGB, VC21 Middlesex, StanwellM G Daker19/8/1960ABS
infoFumaria officinalisGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, IvinghoeM G Daker25/8/1960ABS
infoFumaria parvifloraGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, IvinghoeM G Daker25/8/1960ABS
infoGentianella amarellaGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Beacon HillM G Daker30/8/1959ABS
infoGentianella germanicaGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, Great MissendenM G Daker16/8/1959ABS
infoHelianthemum nummulariumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Beacon HillM G Daker30/8/1959ABS
infoHypericum perforatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoIberis amaraGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Beacon HillM G Daker30/8/1959ABS
infoKickxia elatineGB, VC17 Surrey, DorkingM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoLinaria repensGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Beacon HillM G Daker30/8/1959ABS
infoLinum catharticumGB, VC45 Pembrokeshire, Caldey IslandM G Daker13/7/1959ABS
infoMonotropa hypopitysGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoMonotropa hypopitys subsp. hypophegeaGB, VC17 Surrey, Denbies EstateM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoOriganum vulgareGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoPimpinella saxifragaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/9/1959ABS
infoPolygala calcareaGB, VC14 East Sussex, Beachy HeadM G Daker4/1959ABS
infoPrimula verisGB, VC14 East Sussex, Beachy HeadM G Daker4/1959ABS
infoReseda luteaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoSanguisorba minorGB, VC14 East Sussex, Beachy HeadM G Daker8/4/1959ABS
infoScabiosa columbariaGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS
infoVerbascum nigrumGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillM G Daker22/7/1959ABS

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Searched in 1.098s