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Mr David Paul Earl

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr David Paul Earl
Results 1 to 37 of 37
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC59 South Lancashire, CrossensDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoAllium triquetrumGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Roby MillDavid Paul Earl2000BON
infoAlopecurus myosuroidesGB, VC59 South Lancashire, ColneDavid Paul Earl6/7/1996BON
infoAlopecurus pratensisGB, VC59 South Lancashire, BanksDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC59 South Lancashire, BirkdaleB Buckley-McCarthy
David Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoBeckmannia syzigachneGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Hesketh BankDavid Paul Earl10/1995BON
infoBriza minorGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Chat MossDavid Paul Earl8/1990BON
infoCalamagrostis epigejosGB, VC59 South Lancashire, RuffordDavid Paul Earl23/10/1996BON
infoCarex distansGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoCarex distichaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, RuffordDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoCarex distichaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoCarex distichaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl6/1996BON
infoCarex extensaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Birkdale SandsDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
+Cuscuta epithymumGB, VC13 West Sussex, Midhurst,WoolbedingDavid Paul Earl
Heinrick E Weber
Botanical Society of The British Isles
David Paul Earl
infoDryopteris affinisGB, VC59 South Lancashire, HaslingdenDavid Paul Earl2000BON
infoDryopteris affinisGB, VC59 South Lancashire, HaslingdenDavid Paul Earl2000BON
infoEchinochloa crus-galliGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Sean Toone
+Euphorbia serrulataGB, VC58 Cheshire, Alderley EdgeDavid Paul EarlDavid Paul Earl1/7/1998MANCH
+Filago vulgarisGB, VC59 South Lancashire, ParboldDavid Paul EarlSouth Lancashire Flora Project
David Paul Earl
infoHordeum jubatumGB, VC58 Cheshire, RingwayDavid Paul Earl18/7/1998BON
infoHordeum secalinumGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Hesketh BankDavid Paul Earl6/1996BON
infoLagurus ovatusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
+Lavandula angustifolia x latifolia = L. x intermediaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Southport,CrossensDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Earl
South Lancashire Flora Project
David Paul Earl
infoLotus corniculatusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Southport CultivatedDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoLuzula multifloraGB, VC59 South Lancashire, HaslingdenDavid Paul Earl2000BON
infoMedicago polymorphaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl9/1996BON
+Mibora minimaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoOnobrychis viciifoliaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl10/1996BON
infoOrnithopus perpusillusGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoParapholis strigosaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Southport,MarshsideDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoPuccinellia distansGB, VC59 South Lancashire, ColneDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
infoPuccinellia distansGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, GiggleswickDavid Paul Earl9/2000BON
infoRuppia maritimaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Buckley-Earl
+Salix viminalis x cinerea x repens = S. x angusensisGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Southport,Jubilee ParkDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Earl
Sean Toone
South Lancashire Flora Project
David Paul Earl
+Salix viminalis x cinerea x repens = S. x angusensisGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Southport,Jubilee ParkDavid Paul Earl
Joyce Earl
Sean Toone
South Lancashire Flora Project
David Paul Earl
+Spiraea multiflora x thunbergii = S. x argutaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, Rochdale,Healey DellDavid Paul EarlDavid Paul Earl2001MANCH
+Spiraea salicifolia x douglasii = S. x pseudosalicifoliaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, Marple,Roman LakesDavid Paul EarlDavid Paul Earl16/8/2001MANCH

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