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Rev G Smith

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev G Smith
Results 1 to 40 of 66
infoAristolochia clematitisGB, VC12 North Hampshire, Woolmer ForestG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter19/6/1850ABS
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC11 South Hampshire, BishopstokeG Smith18/7/1850ABS
infoBromus commutatusGB, Ambiguous locality (GB), Hillside CultivatedG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter1875ABS
infoCalamagrostis epigejosGB, VC58 CheshireG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoCallitriche hamulataGB, VC13 West Sussex, ArundelG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoCallitriche platycarpaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, ConwayG SmithABS
infoCampanula patulaGB, VC11 South Hampshire, PetersfieldG SmithG Smith
William Hunt Painter
infoCarex appropinquataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Askham BogG SmithG SmithABS
infoCarex bigelowiiGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, TyndrumG Smith7/1879ABS
infoCarex capillarisGB, VC86 Stirlingshire, Ben LomondG Smith7/1879ABS
infoCarex curtaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, HarrogateG Smith7/1868ABS
infoCarex digitataGB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, Roche AbbeyG Smith5/1847ABS
infoCarex elongataIE, VCH36,VCH39, Lough NeaghG SmithABS
infoCarex paucifloraGB, VC86 Stirlingshire, Ben LomondG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter7/1879ABS
infoCarex pullaGB, VC87 West Perthshire, Ben LuiG Smith1879ABS
infoConyza canadensisGB, VC17,VC21, LambethG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoCuscuta europaeaGB, VC14 East Sussex, RottingdeanG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoDaphne laureolaGB, VC9 Dorset, SherborneG SmithABS
infoDeschampsia cespitosa subsp. alpinaGB, VC87 West Perthshire, Ben LuiAlexander Croall
G Smith
William Hunt Painter8/8/1879ABS
infoErica ciliaris x tetralix = E. x watsoniiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, TruroG SmithG Smith
William Hunt Painter
infoFilago vulgarisGB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, CantleyG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter1875ABS
infoGentiana pneumonantheGB, VC13 West Sussex, PetworthG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoGentiana pneumonantheGB, VC58 Cheshire, HeswallG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoGentianella campestrisGB, VC58 Cheshire, Abbots MossG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoGentianella campestrisGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, KillinG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoGeranium pusillumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, Saltburn-by-the-SeaG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter9/1878ABS
infoGnaphalium luteoalbumGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Channel IslandsG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter1855ABS
infoHelictotrichon pratenseGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Ben Laoigh [Ben Lui]G Smith8/1879ABS
infoImpatiens bifloraGB, VC17 Surrey, GuildfordG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter1875ABS
infoJuncus pygmaeusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Kynance DownG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoJuncus triglumisBenG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter7/1879ABS
infoKobresia simpliciusculaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, TyndrumG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter7/1879ABS
infoLathyrus aphacaGB, VC26 West Suffolk, Bury Saint EdmundsG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoLathyrus nissoliaGB, VC15 East Kent, SandgateG SmithG Smith1875ABS
infoLimonium binervosumGB, KentG SmithWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoLoiseleuria procumbensGB, VC92 South Aberdeenshire, Beinn a'BhuirdAlexander CroallG Smith
William Hunt Painter
infoLonicera periclymenumGB, VC87 West Perthshire, Pass of LenyG Smith8/1877ABS
infoLuzula arcuataGB, Mid-West Perthshire, Beinn LaoighG Smith1879ABS
infoLychnis viscariaGB, VC86 Stirlingshire, StirlingG SmithG Smith
William Hunt Painter
infoMaianthemum bifoliumGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, ScarboroughG SmithWilliam Hunt Painter1875ABS

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Searched in 3.086s