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Rev Thomas Hutchinson (1815 - 1903)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Rev Thomas Hutchinson
Results 1 to 6 of 6
infoBotrychium lunariaGB, VC36 Herefordshire, HumberThomas Hutchinson1855GLR
infoBromus secalinusGB, VC36 Herefordshire, KimboltonThomas HutchinsonAugustin Ley7/1854BIRM
infoFragaria moschataGB, VC36 Herefordshire, BerringtonThomas HutchinsonAugustin Ley5/1883BIRM
infoHypericum androsaemumThomas HutchinsonAugustin LeyBIRM
infoScheuchzeria palustrisGB, VC40 Shropshire, Bomere PoolThomas Hutchinson30/7/1857BIRM
+Trifolium arvenseGB, VC36 Herefordshire, LeominsterThomas Hutchinson15/8/1891BIRM

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.298s