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Mr Langley Kitching (1835 - 1910)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Langley Kitching
Results 1 to 40 of 933
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Ribbesford WoodsLangley Kitching11/5/1898BIRM
infoAcer pseudoplatanusGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, GearstonesLangley KitchingBIRM
infoAceras anthropophorumGB, VC15 East Kent, Wye DownsLangley KitchingLangley Kitching3/6/1898BIRM
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, AdelLangley Kitching16/9/1876BIRM
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC40 Shropshire, Caynham CampLangley KitchingLangley Kitching4/1884BIRM
infoAcorus calamusGB, VC37 Worcestershire, HarvingtonLangley Kitching7/1899BIRM
infoActaea spicataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Thorp ArchLangley Kitching29/6/1876BIRM
infoActaea spicataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Thorp ArchLangley Kitching29/6/1876BIRM
infoAdiantum capillus-venerisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint IvesLangley KitchingLangley Kitching3/8/1881BIRM
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, AreleyLangley Kitching1/5/1883BIRM
infoAdoxa moschatellinaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, BardseyLangley Kitching4/5/1876BIRM
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Thorp ArchLangley KitchingLangley Kitching29/6/1876BIRM
infoAgrimonia eupatoriaGB, VC3 South Devon, TeignmouthCharles James Rufus JordanLangley Kitching7/1837BIRM
infoAgrimonia eupatoriaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, AskhamLangley KitchingLangley Kitching12/7/1876BIRM
infoAgrimonia proceraGB, VC2 East Cornwall, LooeLangley KitchingLangley Kitching14/7/1881BIRM
infoAgrostemma githagoGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Looe, Trelawne MillLangley KitchingLangley Kitching7/1881BIRM
infoAgrostis curtisiiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, HelstonJames CunnackLangley Kitching6/1881BIRM
infoAgrostis giganteaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, BewdleyLangley KitchingLangley Kitching6/1897 to 8/1897BIRM
infoAjuga chamaepitysGB, VC17 Surrey, ReigateLangley KitchingLangley Kitching20/6/1897BIRM
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC72 Dumfriesshire, Black HopeLangley KitchingLangley Kitching7/1898BIRM
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, WhitchurchLangley KitchingLangley Kitching9/6/1902BIRM
infoAlchemilla alpinaGB, VC70 Cumberland, Honister PassLangley KitchingLangley Kitching8/1875BIRM
infoAlchemilla alpinaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, LuibLangley KitchingLangley Kitching24/7/1876BIRM
infoAlchemilla vulgarisGB, YorkshireLangley KitchingBIRM
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, BewdleyLangley KitchingLangley Kitching12/11/1882BIRM
infoAlliaria petiolataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, BardseyLangley Kitching1876BIRM
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Wyre ForestLangley KitchingLangley Kitching27/7/1882BIRM
infoAllium oleraceumGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, CopmanthorpeLangley KitchingLangley Kitching7/1876BIRM
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Kynance CoveJames CunnackLangley Kitching6/1881BIRM
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Kynance, Rill HeadJames CunnackLangley Kitching25/7/1881BIRM
infoAllium sphaerocephalonGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Saint Aubin's BayLangley KitchingLangley Kitching7/7/1898BIRM
infoAllium ursinumLangley Kitching1876BIRM
infoAllium vinealeGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint Ouen'sLangley KitchingLangley Kitching5/7/1898BIRM
infoAlopecurus aequalisGB, VC40 Shropshire, Mere PoolLangley Kitching18/7/1898BIRM
infoAlopecurus geniculatusGB, VC15 East Kent, DealLangley KitchingLangley Kitching11/6/1898BIRM
infoAlopecurus geniculatusGB, VC58 Cheshire, BosleyLangley KitchingLangley Kitching13/6/1876BIRM
infoAlopecurus myosuroidesGB, VC61 South-east Yorkshire, WressellLangley KitchingLangley Kitching8/1880BIRM
infoAlopecurus pratensisLangley Kitching1876BIRM
infoAnacamptis pyramidalisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Thorp ArchLangley KitchingLangley Kitching29/6/1876BIRM
infoAnagallis arvensisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, BardseyLangley KitchingLangley Kitching18/9/1876BIRM

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Searched in 1.794s