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Mr Richard Vercoe Tellam (9/2/1826 - 18/9/1908)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Richard Vercoe Tellam
Results 1 to 40 of 154
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Kynance CoveRichard Vercoe TellamCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society7/1869SLBI
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, LizardRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1870BIRM
infoApera spica-ventiGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1875BIRM
infoAsplenium obovatumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Saint AustellRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1875BIRM
infoAtriplex laciniataGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PenzanceRichard Vercoe TellamCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Henry Franklin Parsons
infoBeta vulgaris subsp. maritimaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Saint MinverRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoBidens cernuaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, WithielRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1877BIRM
infoBidens tripartitaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BirminghamRichard Vercoe TellamBIRM
infoBriza minorGB, VC2 East Cornwall, WithielRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoBromus ferroniiGB, VC1 West Cornwall, LizardRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1877BIRM
infoCakile maritimaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoCalamintha arvensisGB, VC22,VC23, OxfordRichard Vercoe TellamJohn Ralfs1870SLBI
infoCallitriche intermediaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint Mary's, Scilly IslesRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen WestBIRM
infoCarex canescensGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Helman TorRichard Vercoe TellamAlfred French6/1868BM
infoCarex canescensGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Helman TorRichard Vercoe TellamRichard Vercoe Tellam1873E
infoCarex distichaGB, VC6 North Somerset, ShapwickRichard Vercoe Tellam17/8/1891BM
infoCarex extensaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, TrewornanRichard Vercoe TellamWilliam Wise4/7/1903LAUS
infoCarex laevigataGB, VC2 East Cornwall, WithielRichard Vercoe Tellam1873E
infoCarex muricataGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Saint BlazeyRichard Vercoe Tellam1873E
infoCarex paucifloraGB, VC90 Angus, ClovaRichard Vercoe TellamCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Henry Franklin Parsons
infoCarex punctataGB, VC2 East Cornwall, CharlestownRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1874BIRM
infoCerastium tetrandrumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint MerrynRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1874BIRM
infoChenopodium chenopodioidesGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Loe PoolRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
John Harbord Lewis
infoChenopodium muraleGB, VC2 East Cornwall, BodminRichard Vercoe TellamWilliam West1870BIRM
infoChenopodium polyspermumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Loe PoolRichard Vercoe TellamWilliam West1874BIRM
infoChenopodium vulvariaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, MarazionRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1875BIRM
infoCicendia filiformisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, LizardRichard Vercoe TellamCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Henry Franklin Parsons
+Cicendia filiformisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, RocheRichard Vercoe TellamCharles Bailey
James Ward
infoCicendia filiformisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, WithielRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoCoincya monensis subsp. cheiranthosGB, VC2 East Cornwall, PentewanRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1868BIRM
infoCoincya monensis subsp. monensisGB, VC58 Cheshire, New BrightonRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoCorrigiola litoralisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Loe PoolRichard Vercoe TellamWilliam Hadden Beeby9/9/1869SLBI
infoCorrigiola litoralisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Loe Pool BarRichard Vercoe TellamCroydon Natural History and Scientific Society
Henry Franklin Parsons
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, PentewanRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1874BIRM
infoCynodon dactylonGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Marazion MarshRichard Vercoe TellamAugustin Ley
Frederick Arnold Lees
infoDiplotaxis muralisGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1870BIRM
infoDryopteris aemulaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, WithielRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
John Harbord Lewis
infoErigeron acrisGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, OxfordRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoErodium maritimumGB, VC2 East Cornwall, Saint MinverRichard Vercoe Tellam1875BIRM
infoErodium moschatumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint Mary's, Scilly IslesRichard Vercoe TellamGeorge Stephen West1877BIRM

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