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Mr Frederick Hamilton Davey (10/9/1868 - 23/9/1915)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr Frederick Hamilton Davey
Results 1 to 40 of 759
infoAchillea distans subsp. tanacetifoliaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume19/7/1902SLBI
infoAchillea distans subsp. tanacetifoliaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume19/7/1902SLBI
infoAchillea ptarmicaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Perranwell StationFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume23/8/1899SLBI
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, GwennapFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume9/5/1900SLBI
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PengreepFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume23/7/1900SLBI
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PengreepFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume9/5/1900SLBI
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Mabe near PenrynFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume20/7/1900SLBI
infoAegopodium podagrariaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Mabe, near PenrynFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume20/7/1900SLBI
infoAethusa cynapium subsp. agrestisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PerranwellFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume28/8/1899SLBI
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Kennall ValleyFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume23/5/1900SLBI
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume8/5/1900SLBI
infoAlchemilla vulgarisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume24/5/1900SLBI
infoAlchemilla vulgarisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume8/6/1901SLBI
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, StithiansFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume24/8/1900SLBI
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, StithiansFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume24/8/1900SLBI
infoAllium schoenoprasumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Rill HeadFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume20/6/1902SLBI
infoAlnus glutinosaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume30/3/1901SLBI
infoAlnus glutinosaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume30/3/1901SLBI
infoAlnus glutinosaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume12/2/1900SLBI
infoAmaranthus retroflexusGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Saint MawganFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume28/9/1901SLBI
infoAmaranthus retroflexusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume16/8/1902SLBI
infoAmaranthus retroflexusGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume16/8/1902SLBI
infoAmbrosia trifidaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume9/8/1902SLBI
infoAmsinckia GB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume19/7/1902SLBI
infoAmsinckia GB, VC2 East Cornwall, ParFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume19/7/1902SLBI
infoAnagallis arvensis subsp. foeminaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, GwennapFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume23/9/1900SLBI
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume2/5/1900SLBI
infoAnemone nemorosaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume2/5/1900SLBI
infoAnthemis arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, BissoeFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume2/6/1902SLBI
infoAnthemis arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Falmouth DocksFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume11/6/1901SLBI
infoAnthemis arvensisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Ponsanooth, GillytresambleFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume26/10/1900SLBI
infoAnthemis cotulaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, GwinearFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume31/8/1900SLBI
infoAnthemis cotulaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, GwinearFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume31/8/1900SLBI
infoAnthyllis vulnerariaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, FlushingFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume4/5/1901SLBI
infoAnthyllis vulneraria var. coccineaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, NewquayFrederick Hamilton Davey20/7/1900SLBI
infoApium inundatumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume26/6/1900SLBI
infoApium inundatumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume26/6/1900SLBI
infoApium inundatumGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume26/6/1900SLBI
infoAquilegia vulgarisGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PonsanoothFrederick Hamilton DaveyAllan Octavian Hume21/5/1900SLBI
infoArtemisia stellerianaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, MarazionFrederick Hamilton DaveyWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Frederick Hamilton Davey

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