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Dr James B Phipps (1934 -)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Dr James B Phipps
Results 1 to 40 of 252
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, ColeshillJames B PhippsJames B Phipps29/7/1955BIRM
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, LeamingtonJames B Phipps29/7/1954BIRM
infoAlchemilla wichuraeGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoAlchemilla xanthochloraGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoAlopecurus aequalisGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Upper Bittel ReservoirJames B PhippsJames B Phipps9/1952BIRM
infoApium inundatumGB, VC48 Merionethshire, AberdoveyJames B PhippsJames B Phipps27/7/1953BIRM
infoArrhenatherum elatiusIE, VCH1 South Kerry, GlencarJames B PhippsJames B Phipps24/6/1954BIRM
infoAthyrium filix-femina var. incisumGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Wyre ForestJames B PhippsJames B Phipps6/7/1954BIRM
infoAtriplex glabriusculaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, AberdyfiJames B PhippsJames B Phipps28/7/1953BIRM
infoAtriplex prostrataGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Hams HallJames B Phipps12/8/1955BIRM
infoAvena fatuaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, SouthamJames B Phipps1/8/1955BIRM
infoAvena sterilis subsp. ludovicianaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, CaliforniaJames B Phipps28/8/1954BIRM
infoBartsia alpinaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Great Close MireJames B PhippsJames B Phipps9/7/1954BIRM
infoBerberis vulgarisGB, VC38 Warwickshire, LeamingtonJames B Phipps2/8/1954BIRM
infoCarex acutiformisGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Edgbaston PoolJames B Phipps12/6/1954BIRM
infoCarex appropinquataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex binervisGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps9/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex binervisIE, VCH1 South Kerry, GlencarJames B PhippsJames B Phipps20/6/1954BIRM
infoCarex binervisIE, VCH1 South Kerry, Macgillicuddy's ReeksJames B PhippsJames B Phipps21/6/1954BIRM
infoCarex caryophylleaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Great Close ScarJames B PhippsJames B Phipps9/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex curtaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Sutton ParkJames B Phipps7/7/1956BIRM
infoCarex curtaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex curtaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex diandraGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Sutton Park, LongmoorJames B Phipps5/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex diandraGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex dioicaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B Phipps8/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex distansGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, Burry PortJames B PhippsJames B Phipps23/7/1956BIRM
infoCarex distichaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps12/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex echinataIE, VCH1 South Kerry, GlencarJames B Phipps20/6/1954BIRM
infoCarex extensaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechJames B PhippsJames B Phipps23/6/1955BIRM
infoCarex flaccaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Senneleys ParkJames B PhippsJames B Phipps30/5/1954BIRM
infoCarex flaccaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Senneleys ParkJames B PhippsJames B Phipps17/6/1954BIRM
infoCarex flaccaGB, VC40 Shropshire, Wyre ForestJames B Phipps2/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex flaccaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B Phipps9/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex flaccaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B Phipps8/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Senneleys ParkJames B PhippsJames B Phipps30/5/1954BIRM
infoCarex hirtaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Clowes Wood, EarlswoodJames B Phipps9/6/1954BIRM
infoCarex hostianaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Sutton ParkJames B PhippsJames B Phipps5/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex hostianaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps9/7/1954BIRM
infoCarex hostianaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham TarnJames B PhippsJames B Phipps8/7/1954BIRM

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Searched in 1.112s