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Prof John Gregory Hawkes (27/6/1915 - 6/9/2007)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Prof John Gregory Hawkes
Results 1 to 40 of 65
infoAconitum napellusGB, VC38 Warwickshire, CheringtonJ F Woolman
John Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoAlchemilla acutilobaGB, VC66 County Durham, Tow LawJohn Gregory Hawkes20/9/1959BIRM
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC66 County Durham, Teesdale,Langdon BeckJohn Gregory Hawkes20/9/1959BIRM
infoAlchemilla subcrenataGB, VC66 County Durham, NewbigginJohn Gregory Hawkes20/9/1959BIRM
infoAlchemilla xanthochloraGB, VC65, VC66, Wynch BridgeJohn Gregory Hawkes20/9/1959BIRM
infoArabis glabraGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Hartlebury CommonJohn Gregory Hawkes18/6/1957BIRM
infoArbutus unedoIE, VCH2 North Kerry, Killarney,Upper LakeJohn Gregory Hawkes24/6/1954BIRM
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BintonJohn Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoCampanula rapunculoidesGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BintonJohn Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoCarex echinataGB, VC48 Merionethshire, LlanbedrJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1955BIRM
infoCarex extensaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Mochras PointJohn Gregory Hawkes25/6/1953BIRM
infoCarex paniceaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Afon ArtroJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1953BIRM
infoCarex viridula subsp. oedocarpaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Afon ArtroJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1953BIRM
infoCephalanthera longifoliaIE, VCH1 South Kerry, GlencarJohn Gregory Hawkes22/6/1954BIRM
infoCephalanthera longifoliaIE, VCH1 South Kerry, GlencarJohn Gregory Hawkes22/6/1954BIRM
infoCephalanthera longifoliaIE, VCH1 South Kerry, GlencarJohn Gregory Hawkes22/6/1954BIRM
infoCeratochloa carinataGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Cannon Hill ParkChristina Mayne Dony
John Gregory Hawkes
Walter Henry Hardaker
infoCicerbita macrophyllaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BintonJohn Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoCicerbita macrophyllaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BintonJohn Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoCicerbita macrophyllaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BintonJohn Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoDactylorhiza incarnata subsp. coccineaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechJohn Gregory Hawkes21/6/1953BIRM
infoDactylorhiza purpurellaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechJohn Gregory Hawkes21/6/1953BIRM
infoEleocharis multicaulisGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Mochras PointJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1953BIRM
infoEleocharis uniglumisGB, VC38 Warwickshire, AlcesterJohn Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoEleogiton fluitansGB, VC37 Worcestershire, Hartlebury CommonJohn Gregory Hawkes18/6/1957BIRM
infoEpipactis helleborineGB, VC36 Herefordshire, News WoodJohn Gregory Hawkes10/9/1962BIRM
infoEuphrasia micranthaNO, DyranutJohn Gregory Hawkes16/8/1963BIRM
infoEuphrasia strictaNO, Vest FoldJohn Gregory HawkesJohn Gregory Hawkes18/8/1963BIRM
infoFalcaria vulgarisGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Newbold on StourDorothy Adlington Cadbury
John Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoFalcaria vulgarisGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Newbold on StourDorothy Adlington Cadbury
John Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoFalcaria vulgarisGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Newbold on StourDorothy Adlington Cadbury
John Gregory Hawkes
Malcolm Charles Clark
Robert Charles Readett
infoFestuca ovinaGB, VC63 South-west Yorkshire, HoughtonJohn Gregory Hawkes27/6/1960BIRM
infoFilago minimaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BearleyJohn Gregory HawkesBIRM
infoGagea luteaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, ColeshillHarold H Fowkes
John Gregory Hawkes
infoHieracium argillaceumGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Malham CoveJohn Gregory Hawkes28/6/1960BIRM
infoHieracium asteridiophyllumGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, MalhamJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1960BIRM
infoHordelymus europaeusGB, VC33 East Gloucestershire, CranhamJohn Gregory Hawkes7/1964BIRM
infoIsolepis cernuaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, MochrasJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1953BIRM
infoJuncus gerardiiGB, VC48 Merionethshire, HarlechJohn Gregory Hawkes25/6/1953BIRM
infoJuncus kochiiGB, VC48 Merionethshire, Afon ArtroJohn Gregory Hawkes23/6/1953BIRM

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