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Prof Walter Stiles (1886 - 1966)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Prof Walter Stiles
Results 201 to 240 of 555
infoGlaucium flavumGB, VC15 East Kent, Folkestone WarrenWalter StilesWalter Stiles9/8/1906BIRM
infoGlaux maritimaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, WisbechWalter StilesWalter Stiles6/8/1908BIRM
infoGlechoma hederaceaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeWalter StilesWalter Stiles4/6/1907BIRM
infoGlyceria fluitansGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Sheep's GreenWalter Stiles18/6/1909BIRM
infoGlyceria maximaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, WisbechWalter StilesBIRM
infoGnaphalium sylvaticumGB, VC17 Surrey, Upper WarrenWalter Stiles22/9/1909BIRM
infoGnaphalium sylvaticumGB, Mid-East Perthshire, Glen FincastleWalter Stiles9/1909BIRM
infoGymnocarpium dryopterisGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Ben VrackieWalter Stiles14/9/1909BIRM
infoHabenaria conopseaGB, VC17 Surrey, Nower WoodWalter StilesWalter Stiles22/6/1910BIRM
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Studley RoyalC H Dinham
J M Hector
Walter Stiles18/6/1910BIRM
infoHedera helixGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, HauxtonWalter StilesWalter Stiles11/1909BIRM
infoHelianthemum nummulariumGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonWalter StilesWalter Stiles17/7/1906BIRM
infoHelictotrichon pratenseGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Royston HeathWalter StilesWalter Stiles7/7/1909BIRM
infoHeracleum sphondyliumGB, VC15 East Kent, SandgateWalter StilesWalter Stiles9/1906BIRM
infoHippocrepis comosaGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Royston HeathWalter StilesWalter Stiles7/7/1909BIRM
infoHippophae rhamnoidesGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonWalter Stiles29/7/1909BIRM
infoHippuris vulgarisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Wicken FenWalter Stiles7/6/1909BIRM
infoHolcus lanatusGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, RoystonWalter StilesWalter Stiles7/7/1909BIRM
infoHolcus lanatusGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Royston HeathWalter StilesWalter Stiles7/7/1909BIRM
infoHonckenya peploidesGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonWalter StilesWalter Stiles8/8/1907BIRM
infoHonckenya peploidesGB, VC28 West Norfolk, HunstantonWalter StilesWalter Stiles29/7/1909BIRM
infoHordeum murinumGB, VC21 Middlesex, Shepherds BushWalter StilesWalter Stiles20/8/1906BIRM
infoHordeum secalinumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Sheep's GreenWalter StilesWalter Stiles18/6/1909BIRM
infoHottonia palustrisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Coe FenWalter StilesWalter Stiles1/5/1907BIRM
infoHumulus lupulusGB, VC17 Surrey, Box HillWalter StilesWalter Stiles10/9/1906BIRM
infoHuperzia selagoGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, FincastleWalter StilesWalter Stiles9/1909BIRM
infoHyacinthoides non-scriptaGB, VC19 North Essex, LittleburyWalter StilesWalter Stiles18/5/1908BIRM
infoHydrocharis morsus-ranaeGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, WickenWalter StilesWalter Stiles14/7/1909BIRM
infoHydrocotyle vulgarisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Gamlingay HeathWalter Stiles21/7/1909BIRM
infoHyoscyamus nigerGB, VC15 East Kent, Folkestone WarrenWalter Stiles9/8/1906BIRM
infoHypericum androsaemumGB, VC15 East Kent, Folkestone WarrenWalter Stiles11/8/1906BIRM
infoHypericum androsaemumGB, VC17 Surrey, Bagden WoodWalter StilesWalter Stiles30/7/1910BIRM
infoHypericum hirsutumGB, VC17 Surrey, Clandon Downs, SurreyWalter StilesWalter Stiles7/7/1906BIRM
infoHypericum hirsutumGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonWalter StilesWalter Stiles17/7/1906BIRM
infoHypericum hirsutumGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonWalter StilesWalter Stiles30/7/1910BIRM
infoHypericum humifusumGB, VC17 Surrey, Burgh HeathWalter StilesWalter Stiles23/7/1910BIRM
infoHypericum perforatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Ranmore CommonWalter StilesWalter Stiles30/7/1910BIRM
infoHypericum perforatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Reigate HillWalter Stiles23/7/1906BIRM
infoHypericum pulchrumGB, VC17 Surrey, Ditton MarshWalter StilesWalter Stiles30/7/1906BIRM
infoHypericum pulchrumGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Gamlingay HeathWalter StilesWalter Stiles21/7/1909BIRM

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