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W H Potter

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by W H Potter
Results 1 to 23 of 23
infoBerberis vulgarisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1898SLBI
infoDrosera rotundifoliaGB, VC70 Cumberland, KeswickW H Potter7/1906SLBI
infoEleogiton fluitansGB, VC16 West Kent, Hayes CommonW H Potter
William Robert Sherrin
infoGalium saxatileGB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin5/1898SLBI
infoGeranium molleGB, VC27 East Norfolk, RoydonW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin30/5/1898SLBI
infoJasione montanaGB, VC70 Cumberland, KeswickW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin7/1906SLBI
infoMenyanthes trifoliataGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Diss, Roydon FenW H Potter30/5/1898SLBI
infoMyosotis discolorGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Diss, Roydon FenW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin5/1898SLBI
infoOxalis acetosellaGB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin8/1898SLBI
infoPinguicula vulgarisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Diss, Roydon FenW H Potter
William Robert Sherrin
William Robert Sherrin5/1898SLBI
infoPolygala vulgarisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, RoydonW H Potter
William Robert Sherrin
William Robert Sherrin30/5/1898SLBI
infoRanunculus linguaGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Diss, Roydon FenW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin1/8/1898SLBI
infoRumex acetosellaGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Roydon FenW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin30/5/1898SLBI
infoSanguisorba officinalisGB, VC70 Cumberland, KeswickW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin7/1906SLBI
infoSaxifraga granulataGB, VC27 East Norfolk, RoydonW H Potter30/5/1898SLBI
infoSedum albumGB, VC70 Cumberland, KeswickW H Potter7/1906SLBI
infoTeucrium scorodoniaGB, VC70 Cumberland, KeswickW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin7/1906SLBI
infoThlaspi arvenseGB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin3/5/1899 to 8/1899SLBI
infoValeriana dioicaGB, VC27 East Norfolk, Diss, Roydon FenW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin5/1898SLBI
infoVeronica serpyllifoliaGB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin5/1898SLBI
infoViola GB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin30/5/1898SLBI
infoViola odorataGB, VC27 East Norfolk, DissW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin4/1898SLBI
infoViola tricolorGB, VC27 East Norfolk, RoydonW H PotterWilliam Robert Sherrin30/5/1898SLBI

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 3.464s