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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by J H T
Results 1 to 40 of 65
infoAlisma plantago-aquaticaGB, VC16 West Kent, ElthamJ H TDulwich College9/1890SLBI
infoAlnus glutinosaGB, VC17 Surrey, AddlestoneJ H TDulwich College2/1892SLBI
infoAnthriscus sylvestrisGB, VC17 Surrey, EffinghamJ H TDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoApium graveolensGB, VC14 East Sussex, Cuckmere valleyJ H TDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoApium nodiflorumGB, VC17 Surrey, AddlestoneJ H T1/6/1893SLBI
infoAtriplex patulaGB, VC17 Surrey, MordenJ H TDulwich College9/1892SLBI
infoAtriplex portulacoidesGB, VC14 East Sussex, SeafordJ H TDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoAtriplex prostrataGB, VC17 Surrey, MordenJ H TDulwich College10/1892SLBI
infoBolboschoenus maritimusGB, VC14 East Sussex, SeafordJ H TDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoCalamintha arvensisGB, VC16 West Kent, DowneJ H TDulwich College8/1884SLBI
infoCalystegia sepiumGB, VC17 Surrey, MordenJ H TDulwich College9/1892SLBI
infoCarex bigelowiiGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlanfairfechanJ H T8/1892SLBI
infoCarex leporinaGB, VC17 Surrey, ShirleyJ H TDulwich College6/1894SLBI
infoCarex nigraGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, Settle, AttermireJ H TDulwich College24/4/1893SLBI
infoCarex pulicarisGB, VC110 Outer Hebrides, Vatersay IslandJ H TDulwich College8/1894SLBI
infoCarum carviJ H TDulwich College4/1894SLBI
infoCephalanthera longifoliaGB, VC17 Surrey, ShereJ H TDulwich College6/1879SLBI
infoCerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareGB, VC16 West Kent, ElthamJ H TDulwich College5/1892SLBI
infoChenopodium albumGB, VC16 West Kent, ElthamJ H TDulwich College8/1891SLBI
infoChenopodium bonus-henricusGB, VC27 East Norfolk, KeswickJ H TDulwich College8/1896SLBI
infoChenopodium polyspermumGB, VC17 Surrey, MordenJ H TDulwich College9/1892SLBI
infoEleocharis palustrisGB, VC14 East Sussex, SeafordJ H TDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoEuphorbia paraliasGB, VC5 South Somerset, Minehead,GreenaleighJ H TDulwich College8/1890SLBI
infoEuphorbia peplusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College9/1892SLBI
infoFallopia convolvulusGB, VC17 Surrey, AddlestoneJ H TDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC16 West Kent, Keston CommonJ H T7/1892SLBI
infoGaleopsis tetrahitGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlanfairfechanJ H T8/1892SLBI
infoGlechoma hederaceaGB, VC16 West Kent, ElthamJ H TDulwich College4/1891SLBI
infoGlechoma hederaceaGB, VC16 West Kent, IghthamJ H TDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoHippophae rhamnoidesGB, VC25 East Suffolk, BawdseyJ H TDulwich College7/1904SLBI
infoJuncus effususGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoKickxia spuriaGB, VC16 West Kent, DowneJ H TDulwich College8/1884SLBI
infoLamium amplexicauleGB, VC14 East Sussex, SeafordJ H T8/1893SLBI
infoLepidium drabaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H TDulwich College6/1892SLBI
infoLithospermum officinaleGB, VC17 Surrey, AshteadJ H TDulwich College9/1895SLBI
infoLycopus europaeusGB, VC13 West Sussex, River Rother
GB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Aldenham
J H TDulwich College9/1890SLBI
infoMarrubium vulgareGB, VC5 South Somerset, BossingtonJ H TDulwich College8/1890SLBI
infoMentha arvensisGB, VC95 Moray, ForresJ H TDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoMimulus moschatusGB, VC11 South Hampshire, WinchesterJ H TDulwich College7/1891SLBI
infoMisopates orontiumGB, VC17 Surrey, AddlestoneJ H TDulwich College7/1892SLBI

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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