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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by J H P
Results 1 to 27 of 27
infoAllium ursinumGB, VC16 West Kent, Saint Mary CrayJ H PDulwich College5/1892SLBI
infoApium nodiflorumGB, VC5 South Somerset, AlcombeJ H P8/1890SLBI
infoAtriplex littoralisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, CromerJ H PDulwich College8/1891SLBI
infoAtriplex prostrataGB, VC25 East Suffolk, River OrwellJ H PDulwich College8/1904SLBI
infoBetula pendulaJ H PDulwich College3/1892 to 5/1892SLBI
infoCampanula glomerataGB, VC11 South Hampshire, WinchesterJ H P
Dulwich College1861
infoCampanula glomerataGB, VC14 East Sussex, Beachy HeadJ H PDulwich College8/1897SLBI
infoCarex divulsaGB, VC16 West Kent, Port VictoriaJ H PDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoCarpinus betulusGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoChenopodium rubrumGB, VC16 West Kent, ElthamJ H PDulwich College9/1890SLBI
infoClinopodium calaminthaGB, VC19 North Essex, BoxtedJ H PDulwich College9/1898SLBI
infoDianthus armeriaGB, VC3 South Devon, HannafordJ H PDulwich College8/1902SLBI
infoHumulus lupulusGB, VC13 West Sussex, FittleworthJ H PDulwich College9/1895SLBI
infoLemna trisulcaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoLuzula campestrisGB, VC16 West Kent, IghthamJ H PDulwich College4/1893SLBI
infoLuzula campestrisGB, VC17 Surrey, ShirleyJ H PDulwich College30/6/1895SLBI
infoLuzula pilosaGB, VC17 Surrey, Dulwich WoodsJ H PDulwich College5/1897SLBI
infoLychnis flos-cuculiGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, AldenhamJ H PDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoNepeta catariaGB, VC14 East Sussex, AlfristonJ H PDulwich College8/1893SLBI
infoOnonis spinosaGB, VC17 Surrey, StreathamJ H PDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoPersicaria maculosaGB, VC17 Surrey, TootingJ H PDulwich College9/1892SLBI
infoPlantago majorGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College7/1892SLBI
infoSanguisorba minorGB, VC17 Surrey, Hog's BackJ H PDulwich College5/1893SLBI
infoScrophularia nodosaGB, VC17 Surrey, DulwichJ H PDulwich College6/1893SLBI
infoSolanum nigrumGB, VC16 West Kent, ElthamJ H PDulwich College8/1891 to 10/1892SLBI
infoSparganium erectum subsp. erectumGB, VC5 South Somerset, DunsterJ H PDulwich College8/1887SLBI
infoTriglochin palustrisGB, VC14 East Sussex, Newhaven
GB, VC14 East Sussex, Seaford
J H PDulwich College8/1893SLBI

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.019s