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Wilson Crosfield Worsdell (1867 - 1957)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Wilson Crosfield Worsdell
Results 1 to 40 of 113
infoAceras anthropophorumGB, VC16 West Kent, EynsfordWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last23/5/1897K
infoAjuga chamaepitysGB, VC17 Surrey, Burford BridgeWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last16/9/1900K
infoAjuga reptansGB, VC7 North Wiltshire, Monkton FarleighWilson Crosfield Worsdell7/5/1905K
infoAstragalus danicusGB, VC62 North-east Yorkshire, AllerstonWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last20/6/1931K
infoBaldellia ranunculoidesGB, VC17 Surrey, Richmond ParkWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last3/8/1918K
infoBaldellia ranunculoidesGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1893K
infoBlysmus compressusGB, VC66 County Durham, TeesdaleWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last22/7/1901K
infoBupleurum tenuissimumGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, CardiffWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1926K
infoCallitriche GB, VC69 Westmorland, Humphrey HeadWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/1892K
infoCampanula patulaGB, VC35 Monmouthshire, CwmyoyWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/1931K
infoCephalanthera longifoliaGB, VC12 North Hampshire, SelborneWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last28/6/1902K
infoChaenorhinum minusGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last11/8/1900K
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC3 South Devon, HemyockWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/1924K
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon CommonWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last28/7/1895K
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon CommonWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last28/7/1895K
infoCuscuta epithymumGB, VC17 Surrey, Wimbledon CommonWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last28/7/1895K
infoCymbalaria muralisGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last9/1894K
infoDactylis glomerataGB, VC60 West Lancashire, CarnforthWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/1894K
infoDianthus deltoidesGB, VC17 Surrey, TeddingtonWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last3/8/1902K
infoDigitalis purpureaGB, VC3 South Devon, LustleighWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1924K
infoFestuca arundinaceaGB, VC17 Surrey, RichmondWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1892K
infoFestuca arundinaceaGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield Worsdell2/9/1897K
infoFraxinus excelsiorGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last24/4/1894K
infoFraxinus excelsiorGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last14/9/1893K
infoGaleopsis angustifoliaGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, HeytesburyWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last17/8/1905K
infoGaleopsis angustifoliaGB, VC15 East Kent, DungenessWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last12/7/1929K
infoGlebionis segetumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, CarieWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last21/8/1895K
infoGlechoma hederaceaGB, VC69 Westmorland, ArnsideWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last5/1921K
infoGroenlandia densaGB, VC69 Westmorland, MilnthorpeWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/9/1906K
infoHabenaria albidaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, MalhamWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last6/1919K
infoHabenaria albidaGB, VC90 Angus, Glen ProsenWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last20/7/1894K
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, WarminsterWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1914K
infoHabenaria virideGB, VC8 South Wiltshire, WarminsterWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/1914K
infoHerminium monorchisGB, VC15 East Kent, WyeWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last8/7/1931K
infoKickxia elatine subsp. elatineGB, VC3 South Devon, Bovey TraceyWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1924K
infoKickxia spuriaGB, VC15 East Kent, WestwellWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last6/9/1930K
infoLamium galeobdolon subsp. montanumGB, VC7 North Wiltshire, Monkton FarleighWilson Crosfield Worsdell7/5/1905K
infoLamium purpureum var. incisumGB, VC3 South Devon, Bovey TraceyWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last5/1924K
infoLamium purpureum var. incisumGB, VC3 South Devon, GalmptonWilson Crosfield Worsdell2/5/1941K
infoLigustrum vulgareGB, VC69 Westmorland, LindaleWilson Crosfield WorsdellGeorge Valentine Chapman Last7/1893K

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Searched in 1.378s