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Mr George Claridge Druce (23/5/1850 - 29/2/1932)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Mr George Claridge Druce
Results 1 to 40 of 1663
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC22 Berkshire, RadleyAugustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAcer campestre var. leiocarpumGB, VC22 Berkshire, RadleyGeorge Claridge Druce10/1891SLBI
infoAcer campestreGB, VC22,VC23, South StokeGeorge Claridge DruceWilliam Hunt Painter7/1888ABS
infoAcer campestreGB, VC22,VC23, South StokeGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAceras anthropophorumGB, VC32 Northamptonshire, Barnack Hills & HolesGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Claridge Druce
George Stephen West
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, OxfordGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Claridge Druce9/1905MANCH
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC22,VC23, OxfordGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Claridge Druce9/1920MANCH
infoAchillea millefoliumGB, VC112 Shetland, SandwickGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Claridge Druce7/1920
infoActaea spicataGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, IngleboroughGeorge Claridge DruceIsaac A Helsby7/1905SLBI
infoAdonis autumnalisGB, VC14 East Sussex, TelscombeGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
George Claridge Druce
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, MarstonGeorge Claridge Druce23/8/1887BSBI
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, MarstonGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
George Claridge Druce
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, MarstonGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, MarstonGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAethusa cynapiumGB, VC23,VC32, AynhoGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Job Edward Lousley
infoAethusa cynapium subsp. agrestisGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, MarstonGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hadden Beeby
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC105 West Ross & Cromarty, Ben EayBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
George Claridge Druce
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC105 West Ross & Cromarty, Ben EayGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles8/1892ABS
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC105 West Ross & Cromarty, Ben EayGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Stephen West1889BIRM
infoAgrostis caninaGB, VC105 West Ross & Cromarty, Ben EayBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAgrostis palustrisGB, VC96 East Inverness-shire, AviemoreGeorge Claridge Druce7/1887BSBI
infoAgrostis palustrisIE, VCH40 Co. Londonderry, RidgeGeorge Claridge DruceWilliam Hunt Painter8/1898SHYB
infoAgrostis stoloniferaIE, VCH39,VCH40, ToomeGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
infoAgrostis stoloniferaIE, VCH40 Co. Londonderry, Toom BridgeGeorge Claridge DruceCharles Edgar Salmon1898ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaIE, VCH40 Co. Londonderry, Toom BridgeGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Claridge Druce8/1898ABS
infoAira caryophyllea var. multiculmisGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, BulstrodeGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Oxford University Herbarium
Augustin Ley
infoAjuga chamaepitysGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Hitchin,Wilbury HillJoseph Edward LittleGeorge Claridge Druce
Ida Margaret Hayward
+Ajuga chamaepitysGB, VC20 Hertfordshire, Hitchin,Wilbury HillJoseph Edward LittleWatson Botanical Exchange Club
George Claridge Druce
Mary Hayward
infoAjuga pyramidalis CultivatedAlice TrowerBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
George Claridge Druce
infoAjuga pyramidalisGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Oxford Cultivated
IE, VCH9 Co. Clare, Burren
George Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Edward Britton
George Claridge Druce
infoAjuga pyramidalisIE, VCH9 Co. Clare, Burren CultivatedGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
J Fraser
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC66 County Durham, River Tees at High ForceGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles6/1928SLBI
infoAlchemilla glabraGB, VC97 West Inverness-shire, Glen SpeanGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley
George Claridge Druce
infoAlchemilla monticolaGB, VC66 County Durham, Middleton in TeesdaleGeorge Claridge DruceJob Edward Lousley8/1930SLBI
infoAlchemilla pratensisGB, VC66 County Durham, Middleton in TeesdaleGeorge Claridge Druce6/1928SLBI
infoAlchemilla vestitaGB, VC66 County Durham, Middleton in TeesdaleGeorge Claridge Druce8/1930SLBI
infoAlchemilla xanthochloraGB, VC22 Berkshire, Kingston HillGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Oxford University Herbarium
Augustin Ley
infoAllium carinatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, TaysideGeorge Claridge DruceRichard Barker Ullman8/1918SLBI
infoAllium carinatumGB, Perthshire, TaysideGeorge Claridge DruceWatson Botanical Exchange Club
Patrick Martin Hall
Richard Barker Ullman
infoAllium scorodoprasumGB, VC81 Berwickshire, Tweed SideGeorge Claridge DruceBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Augustin Ley

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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Searched in 1.265s