| Acalypha gracilens | US, FL, Flagler County, Haw Creek | Cecil R Slaughter | | 13/8/2002 | FSU |
| Acalypha gracilens | US, FL, St. Johns County, Moses Creek | Cecil R Slaughter | | 7/8/2003 | FSU |
| Amaranthus blitum | US, FL, Volusia County, Leatherleaf | Cecil R Slaughter | | 14/7/2007 | FSU |
| Amaranthus blitum | US, FL, Polk County, Waverly | Cecil R Slaughter Dianne Hall | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 24/11/2006 | FSU |
| Amaranthus spinosus | US, FL, Brevard County, Moccasin Island | Cecil R Slaughter Marc C. Minno | | 29/3/2000 | FSU |
| Amaranthus spinosus | US, FL, Brevard County, Moccasin Island | Cecil R Slaughter | Cecil R Slaughter | 7/6/2001 | FSU |
| Caperonia palustris | US, FL, Flagler County, Bunnell | Cecil R Slaughter | | 1/11/2000 | FSU |
| Chamaesyce bombensis | US, FL, St. Johns County, Anastasia State Recreation Area | Cecil R Slaughter | | 16/9/2008 | FSU |
| Chamaesyce hyssopifolia | US, FL, Lake County, Lake Minneola | Cecil R Slaughter | | 12/8/2000 | FSU |
| Chamaesyce hyssopifolia | US, FL, Putnam County, Saint Joseph Cemetery | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 4/10/2000 | FSU |
| Chenopodium album | US, FL, Marion County, Anthony | Cecil R Slaughter Jimmy E. Meeks | | 25/7/2006 | FSU |
| Cuscuta pentagona | US, FL, Polk County | Cecil R Slaughter | | 25/12/2007 | FSU |
| Dichondra caroliniensis | US, FL, Volusia County, Heart Island Conservation Area | Cecil R Slaughter | | 12/12/2002 | FSU |
| Euphorbia exserta | US, FL, Flagler County, Pellicer Creel Conservation Area | Cecil R Slaughter | | 30/7/2008 | FSU |
| Froelichia floridana | US, FL, Putnam County, Wall Lake | Cecil R Slaughter | | 3/9/2001 | FSU |
| Helianthemum carolinianum | US, FL, Putnam County | Cecil R Slaughter | | 19/3/2001 | FSU |
| Heliotropium angiospermum | US, FL, Indian River County, Oslo | Cecil R Slaughter Marc C. Minno | | 27/6/2001 | FSU |
| Heliotropium curassavicum | US, FL, Brevard County, Saint Johns River | Cecil R Slaughter Travis Richardson | | 18/7/2005 | FSU |
| Ipomoea cordatotriloba | US, FL, Volusia County, Barberville | Cecil R Slaughter | | 9/9/2002 | FSU |
| Iresine diffusa | US, FL, Osceola County, Bull Creek | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 26/9/2007 | FSU |
| Iresine diffusa | US, FL, Polk County, Lake Mabel | Cecil R Slaughter Dianne Hall | | 24/11/2006 | FSU |
| Iresine diffusa | US, FL, St. Johns County, Stokes Landing Conservation Area | Cecil R Slaughter Marc C. Minno | | 9/11/2001 | FSU |
| Iresine diffusa | US, FL, SaintJohns County | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 16/9/2008 | FSU |
| Lechea deckertii | US, FL, Putnam County, Grandin | Cecil R Slaughter | | 26/7/2001 | FSU |
| Lechea mucronata | US, FL, St. Johns County, Anastasia State Recreational area E. of AIA | Cecil R Slaughter | | 16/9/2008 | FSU |
| Lechea mucronata | US, FL, Duval County, Julington-Durbin Preserve | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 22/7/2008 | FSU |
| Lechea torreyi | US, FL, Osceola County, Bull Creek Wildlife Management Area | Cecil R Slaughter | | 26/9/2007 | FSU |
| Lechea torreyi | US, FL, Duval County, Julington-Durbin Preserve | Cecil R Slaughter | | 10/7/2008 | FSU |
| Melothria pendula | US, FL, St. Johns County, Anastasia State Recreational area E. of AIA | Cecil R Slaughter | | 16/9/2008 | FSU |
| Onosmodium virginianum | US, FL, Nassau County, Boulogne | Cecil R Slaughter Marc C. Minno S. Meyer | Cecil R Slaughter Marc C. Minno S. Meyer | 1/5/2000 | FSU |
| Onosmodium virginianum | US, FL, Bradford County, Keystone Heights | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 27/4/2001 | FSU |
| Oxypolis filiformis | US, FL, Osceola County | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 26/9/2007 | FSU |
| Oxypolis filiformis | US, FL, Flagler County | Cecil R Slaughter | | 24/8/2004 | FSU |
| Oxypolis filiformis | US, FL, Flagler County, Flagler Estates | Cecil R Slaughter | | 24/8/2004 | FSU |
| Oxypolis filiformis | US, FL, Flagler County, Old Dinner Island | Cecil R Slaughter | | 24/8/2004 | FSU |
| Poinsettia cyathophora | US, FL, Volusia County, Upper Lake Louise | Cecil R Slaughter Steve Feagin | | 27/6/2001 | FSU |
| Polanisia tenuifolia | US, FL, Putnam County | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 26/7/2015 | FSU |
| Salsola kali | US, FL, St. Johns County, Anastasia State Recreation Area, Conch Island | Alice Bard Cecil R Slaughter Dianne Hall | | 27/6/2008 | FSU |
| Sesuvium maritimum | US, FL, Volusia County, Lake George Conservation Area | Cecil R Slaughter Joe Beck Palmer Kinser | | 9/11/2005 | FSU |
| Sesuvium maritimum | US, FL, Brevard County, Moccasin Island | Cecil R Slaughter | Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium | 7/6/2001 | FSU |
| Sesuvium maritimum | US, FL, Brevard County, Saint Johns Marsh | Cecil R Slaughter Travis Richardson | Cecil R Slaughter | 10/7/2000 | FSU |
| Sesuvium portulacastrum | US, FL, St. Johns County, Conch Island | Alice Bard Cecil R Slaughter Dianne Hall | | 27/6/2008 | FSU |
| Suaeda linearis | US, FL, St. Johns County, Saint Augustine | Cecil R Slaughter | | 16/9/2008 | FSU |